this ia as random as i am... note the kinky stuff and you'll get.... nothing... except nowing that i am kinky XD
Current Residence: Quebec, montréal (Vive Le Quebec Libre!!^^)
deviantWEAR sizing preference: medium
Print preference: free ones^^
Favourite genre of music: Metal, Punk, Rock... All of it... Ecept for Polka, western and Country I totally HATE them!!!!!!! XD
Favourite photographer: Solange Martel...writingwonder...
Favourite style of art: don't know...
Operating System: Macintosh (Mac OS X ^^)
MP3 player of choice: Ipod touch
Shell of choice: MMMmmmmm... what?!...
Wallpaper of choice: just one who's not ugly...
Skin of choice: Inu Yasha's skin!^^
Favourite cartoon character: InuYasha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personal Quote: Mi sono innamorata di te Perché non avevo niente da fare
Just in case you're interested, I recently started a fan channel on YouTube for Linkin Park. I would be happy if anyone would be interested and stop by.