Linkatrix's avatar


LinkinPark,InuYasha,Matrix Fan!!
393 Watchers809 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • Feb 16, 1989
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (237)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
My Bio

this ia as random as i am... note the kinky stuff and you'll get.... nothing... except nowing that i am kinky XD

Current Residence: Quebec, montréal (Vive Le Quebec Libre!!^^)
deviantWEAR sizing preference: medium
Print preference: free ones^^
Favourite genre of music: Metal, Punk, Rock... All of it... Ecept for Polka, western and Country I totally HATE them!!!!!!! XD
Favourite photographer: Solange Martel...writingwonder...
Favourite style of art: don't know...
Operating System: Macintosh (Mac OS X ^^)
MP3 player of choice: Ipod touch
Shell of choice: MMMmmmmm... what?!...
Wallpaper of choice: just one who's not ugly...
Skin of choice: Inu Yasha's skin!^^
Favourite cartoon character: InuYasha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personal Quote: Mi sono innamorata di te Perché non avevo niente da fare

Favourite Visual Artist
SISERO AND HER FIANCE GINAME!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! and my best (Hamasutaa Oni) is cool too
Favourite Movies
The Matrix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Linkin Park!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a lot more...
Favourite Books
La reine Celte
Favourite Writers
Stephen King
Favourite Games
any one that have a lot of blood!!!
Favourite Gaming Platform
just one who didn't bug...
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, pen, paper, marker, charcoal...
Other Interests
Dessiner, Lire, vedger! (Drawing, Reading, Vedgetating ^^)
Hi everyone! you read it! I'm opening commissions! 10 commissions to start... I'll do 50$ commissions -that means a full colored 18"x  24" picture with one character in black and white. -it will be 5$ for every character you want to add in the pic. - simple background -it will be a picture like this -> I can also do water colors who'll be 75$  -it will be 5$ for every character you want to add in the pic. - simple background -> Each commissions will be send to you. if you are interested note me!So hope to talk to you soon! dont forget to tell everyone about my commissions please!! :hug:LOVE!!  :love:===========================:heart::heart...
anonymous's avatar
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Hey guys and gals! I'm still alive for those wondering. Me and :iconPhiltheracoon: are still together and we just had a beautiful baby boy who's super healthy. He is now almost 9 weeks old, everybody is doing great even with the lack of sleep associated with milk/diaper time.Life as been a rollercoaster these past few years... I am sorry if I wasn't here but I went back to school 2 times to find what I wanted to do... Once in graphic design and once in tourism... now I'm a mom at home XD But I'm trying to start living on my art... so you will be hearing from this girl soon ;) For those of you who would like to see more of my works... well ...
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0 min read
Hi! I know it's been a eternity since i've posted here... Sorry ^^; It's just that I don't have Photoshop anymore and without it my scan doesn't really work so... And the last Big pictures I did are not really DA friendly ;) So I am asking all of you... Do you want a commission from me? I deseperatly need money... I don't ask much and I will ship the picture to you as soon as it's finish... I can do a 8 1/2 x 11 for 15$ or a 17 x 23 for 25$ Please commission me... Share it to anyone that could be interested...Thank you all! I love you all so much! This community was always there for me and I will never be able to repay all the nice things ...
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behmchannel123's avatar


Just in case you're interested, I recently started a fan channel on YouTube for Linkin Park. I would be happy if anyone would be interested and stop by.


YoungLink777's avatar
Happy Birthday to you! birthday cake :happy birthday: Cake For Artists with candle 50x50 icon 
moonlitinuyasha1985's avatar
totuio's avatar
moonlitinuyasha1985's avatar
Happy belated Birthday!
Demonhoku's avatar
Happy Birthday, dear!
totuio's avatar