Life is Kicking My Ass!!!

10 min read

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Lindowyn's avatar

Lord of the Rings
Feanor by Lindowyn
Melkor by Lindowyn
Sauron by Lindowyn
Celtic Mythology
Hound of Ulster by Lindowyn
Tristan and Iseult by Lindowyn
Lugh Lamhfhada by Lindowyn



I have not updated this journal since March 8th. Are you serious? Has it really been THAT long?

I need to apologize to all of those people out there who (apparently) will fall over dead if their submission is not accepted within three hours of contribution. I have news for you guys: There's life outside dA. Please relax. Getting irate will only make me ignore you. Now. I don't mean you folks who just can't seem to catch a break on your submissions, because yes: I have not been on here at ALL hardly to accept anything. I am genuinely sorry that I simply don't have the time I used to have. Other people though? PLEASE relax, okay? Take a shower or something.

Can you tell I'm tired and just don't give a fuck? :| I do miss you guys though. The people, I miss. The drama? Forget it.

Life has been a little hard on me lately. Obviously I've been busy. Since graduation I spent a lot of my summer working on projects at the Grove (painting, reorganizing) and running TheArcher777 to work and back due to her very-dead-vehicle. She, however, has since moved back to NY for a time before the big haul to Scotland for a year. (If her visa decides to work. Otherwise she'll go next year I think.)

I got a new job with Lifetouch doing senior portraits. It pays me enough to finally meet most of my expenses, but the hours are long, the labor is physical, and my body hates me. I do that thing where I lift with my legs, not my back....but my neck doesn't seem to know that. Last week I think I worked 62 hours. This week who knows. It does mean my temper is a lot shorter when one has to be up at 4:30 in the morning to be to work by 5:30. (or earlier) dA isn't exactly the place I go to hang out in a stress free environment. @.@ There hasn't been much in the way of new art from me lately due to the fact that my laptop's HD bit the dust. I should be able to replace it soon. No artistic outlet has left me doing strange things. Like needlepoint. I'll show you pics of that when I'm through with it.

Also also, in addition to my necklace making, job doing, food cooking, roleplaying (which, by the way, has largely come to a screeching halt), writing, cleaning, ritual planning, doing ADF things, starting my clergy training program, energy training...I have had zero time to shoot stock. I am in the process of rewriting some of the SHARDS material so we can get that stuff together. I was writing for our friends group initially, and now I have to write for a bigger audience. Yeesh.

In other words, I'll see you guys in the fall. D: Hopefully sooner though. Hope. Hope.

I've got way too many projects in the works. Now to find some pretty things on dA that deserve a feature spot and more of your time than I do.

Argentum Caeli 108 by Elandria Schizophrenia. by Dasvidanya Deluge by Biffno:thumb176320446: rural girl by farshidkhalafi Mirror...mirror... by CindysArt Freya by FuzzyBuzzy

Clubs and Such

My Stock:
Clubs I'm Adminnin':
Clubs I'm a Member of:
S.H.A.R.D.S Stamp by lindowyn-stock Stamp. by JadeIshTehRingLeader ADF Stamp by lindowyn-stock dA Thanks Stamp. by jugga-lizzle

Mature Content

Just Sayin by Lindowyn
FB Zodiac: Dragon by KTstamps Year of the Dog :FB Edition: by KTstamps FB Zodiac: Rabbit by KTstamps
CSS Code by kuschelirmel-stock
© 2010 - 2025 Lindowyn
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Marie-Ange-the-Celt's avatar
Oh girl, summer time is a good time to be away from dA. So much to do. I am in the same situation. Take care :) :hug: