ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
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"Good news, Marceline! It seems like one of your friends stopped by for a visit! Of course, she was carying all sorts of high-tech gagdet and weapons, and was shouting something about some 'rescue mission'. It was obvious to us that she was just as mentally unstable as you, so the only possible solution was for our guards to safely secure her and confiscate all her dangerous tools. Anyway, the good news are that, since you two seem to be acquianted with each other, we have decided to put you in the same cell. We believe that being together will have a positive effect on each of your behavior. Now then, some quick ground rules; dinner is at 18:15, lights out at 21:00 and wake up's at 7:35. No interacting or talking to the other inmates while outside your cell, at least not without a gag. I hope you'll enjoy your stay, 'princess'."
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1605x1121px 221.56 KB
© 2017 - 2025 Limpurtikles
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I don't trust a mental clinic that is lead by a DiD enthusiast...
We are the worst when it comes to the liberal use of binding tools like Straitjackets.
I would love to see them breaking out and breaking some bones...
I like Bubblegum without her crown, she looks very neat without it.
We are the worst when it comes to the liberal use of binding tools like Straitjackets.
I would love to see them breaking out and breaking some bones...
I like Bubblegum without her crown, she looks very neat without it.