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Also known as my D&D baby.
Name: Roscoe
Race: Wood Elf
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Class: Fighter
Age: 200+ (he doesn't really keep track) but looks to be in his early to mid twenties.
Weapon of choice: Greatsword he's affectionately named "FaceGrinder"
Armor: Chain mail (the leather is so worn out that it offers virtually no protection--he's been meaning to get it fixed or replaced)
Mercenary with a bit of snark. He'll kill just about anyone for the right price. He has a habit of flirting with every girl he finds attractive, but anything beyond that is rare. Despite flirtatious habits, he takes a bit of time to warm up to most people.
(I'll update his personality and whatnot as I find better words to describe it.)
Name: Roscoe
Race: Wood Elf
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Class: Fighter
Age: 200+ (he doesn't really keep track) but looks to be in his early to mid twenties.
Weapon of choice: Greatsword he's affectionately named "FaceGrinder"
Armor: Chain mail (the leather is so worn out that it offers virtually no protection--he's been meaning to get it fixed or replaced)
Mercenary with a bit of snark. He'll kill just about anyone for the right price. He has a habit of flirting with every girl he finds attractive, but anything beyond that is rare. Despite flirtatious habits, he takes a bit of time to warm up to most people.
(I'll update his personality and whatnot as I find better words to describe it.)
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700x1040px 386.92 KB
© 2018 - 2025 LimeTiger711
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Roscoe the Wood Elf
Was a snarky flirty soul
With some super nice hair and a few choice swears
And a sword that's nice and tol
I'm not sorry
Was a snarky flirty soul
With some super nice hair and a few choice swears
And a sword that's nice and tol
I'm not sorry