LilPrin17's avatar


Life's short. Make it worthwhile
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Happy Valentine's Day 2025
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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Apr 25
  • United States
  • Deviant for 6 years
  • She / Her
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Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Bleeding Heart: Your passion is an inspiration! (3)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (7)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (2)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (36)
My Bio

New account after the deactivation of  Babyluigi13.

Hello, everyone! I'm an artist that loves Nintendo franchises such as Splatoon, Pokemon, and Mario. I mostly do SFM animations, stories, and porting.

I read all of your comments! If I don't reply, it means I don't have much to say. For those who thank me for watches, favorites, and llamas... You're welcome!

Commissions: Open (Source Filmmaker)

SplatSquad Asks: Open

Requests: Closed

Programs I use:

Adobe Photoshop

Source Filmmaker




Adobe After Effects (beginner)

Art Acadamy (Retired)

Favourite Games
Splatoon, Super Mario, Pokemon, Animal Crossing
Favourite Gaming Platform
Gamecube, 3DS, Wii, Wii U, Switch
Other Interests
Animating, Sewing
Hello, everyone! For starters, I've now finished updating all of my addons as of today! So now what happens? Well, there's two things I wanted to explain. Old Agenda: Stories Some of you may still remember in the previous entry a few months ago that I was working on 2 collab stories, The Wereling and Blood Moon. This is supposed to be the final entries for the Splatoon 2 Timeline before I supposedly move on to the Splatoon 3 storyline. At the moment, I'm slowly working on the panels as we speak. Though I'm not sure when they'll be done, it'll definitely be before 2024 ends. I do hope I can get one of them done before the summertime. New Agenda: Porting I've been learning a ton during the second half of last year when it comes to porting models to SFM (though I still think there's more I can learn from.) There were a few reasons I wanted to do it all of a sudden, but I'd say it worked out well. Now that my recent Fuzzy Octoling gear was a success, I wanted to challenge myself
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The next port is going accordingly. I don't have a set deadline, but I will say it's halfway done now.
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The next port slightly deviates from my planned gear ports, but I'm sure everyone will love it.
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Since I'll be spending time for the Holidays, next week's pages will be submitted this week each day. That's 6 pages this week. Merry Christmas.
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Now that I finished my map, I can resume my two stories.
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Profile Comments 206

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SCTigerfan's avatar

Is there a gmod dupe of your inksona by any chance? Like to feature you in some projects I have in mind

LilPrin17's avatar

I don't have my dupes set to be public, but I've made plenty of pictures referencing my inksona:

It's My Birthday! (Video Timelapse)
SCTigerfan's avatar

I see. Shouldn’t be too hard then

KittyKoopaTK's avatar

I hope you don't mind if I ask this but, how's the progress on the Wandercrust Gear for Gmod?

LilPrin17's avatar

Hadn't found the time to work on it. I'm hoping to have time this weekend or so.

KandiTheOcto's avatar

I have two questions:

1: what is the Camp SplatSquid comic about?

2: I'm thinking of doing my own comic, how do you plan your comics?