Bluejay Paradisial - AzuraLillonwy on DeviantArt

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Bluejay Paradisial - Azura



Key::bulletgreen:Strong :bulletorange:Okay :bulletred:Weak

Species: Paradisial
Type: Dragon (Feathered)
Rarity: High
Territory: Nelani Rainforest
:Size: Medium-small
Nature: Varied :bulletgreen:
Flame: Varied :bulletorange:
Charms: Varied, Many :bulletgreen:
Offense: teeth, talons, beaks. :bulletorange:
Defence: Weak Defence (No scales, horns etc.) :bulletred:
Speed: Extremely fast and agile :bulletgreen:
Notes:rainforest. Like most dragons they have colour/gem/element names but surnames depend on plumage colour and pattern.

:bulletblue: Name: Azura BlueJay
:bulletblue: Age: 210 (26 human years)
:bulletblue: Personality: Kind and helpful but with a dry, sarcastic sense of humour. Often pessimistic.
:bulletblue: Background: Was found as a chick nearly drowned in Loch Lyre at the base of the Lyre mountain ridge, in the Tenari Desert. She was saved by a mother Desert Ridgeback [link] who found that Azure could only remember her name and a few simple charms. Unfortunatly the mother died protecting her dragonlets again a Skullstalker Wyvern, As Azura had gained the ability to fly alot earlier than the other dragonlets she fled in terror, leaving the dragonlets to their doom. Now she wanders the Tenari aimlessly, constantly running from the Wyverns that hunt her and guilty that she left her adopted brother and sister to die.

:iconlillonwy:(c) Hope you like it =D
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1594x1068px 199.21 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Lillonwy
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ZelleonHex's avatar
Oh wow, I love the wings.. and the head...and everything else...