Spottacus sneek peekLilleahWest on DeviantArt

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Spottacus sneek peek



This has antlers and LEDs on both sides, antlers remove via strong magnets. This suit uses more NFT fur than any other I have made, his mane is a combo of NFT and hand wefted kanekalon. The eyes are painted gray blue backed in glow in the dark green which shines through when the clear LEDs are lit behind the eyes.

I did not plan for his face to turn out so similar to that of my sabre tooth cat BC but I guess that is what my muse wanted :P the body will not be fully striped like mine and will have abs so we are not too twinsy X3

This is an artistic freedom suit, I love such suits, and some create their own story as I work, here is the story buzzing through my brain with this fellow:

The fellow has seen much battle, and yet never once did he loose a fight, the thing is he also has never started a fight. He is someone everyone is after and thus he keeps his wits about him as he travels, never looking for trouble but ever ready to face trouble. He is a banished holder of power, who chose to leave his land for staying would bring great harm to those he cares about, and yet his return could also mean trouble for the one standing in his rightful place, and that someone wants him dead.

... along the way he came across a mysterious form of enchantment, something that is not quite a gift or a curse... he bears the marks that signifies this, that being his leafbearing horns and glowing eyes which come forth when it takes hold of the power bestowed upon him.
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