GoldenflowerLilLalachuTheStar on DeviantArt

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LilLalachuTheStar's avatar




My design of Goldenflower from Warrior Cats! :]

**My designs are free to use WITH PROPER CREDIT!!! This means you can use this design for a MAP, art piece, etc just as long as you credit me as the designer! ^^

You can see other versions of this character (warrior vs leader, starclan, dark forest, etc.) here:…

**DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT CLAIM ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS TO BE MY OWN!!! I only claim the DESIGNS themselves!! Every character belongs to Erin Hunter (The Hunters) respectively. I only use toyhouse for these designs for easier storage and organization purposes!!**

Image size
1024x768px 210.42 KB
© 2023 - 2025 LilLalachuTheStar
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