Hi! I'm a somewhat shy girl living in California and I am currently nineteen-years-old! I've been drawing since I was around eleven and I'd like to think I've gotten really good at it. If not then somewhat good at it hahaha. Drawing is a hobby for me so it's not something I do all of the time. It's a good way to cope with life's problems for me and it brings me joy.
I don't draw for anyone else so whatever it is I end up drawing I drew because I wanted to or felt like the right thing to do. I hope I end up improving in my time here. Please don't mention any of my old drawings to me they're just too embarrassing o//A//o
Anyways I do believe most of my drawings will be fanart and maybe some of my own OCs every now and then. I do hope to make new friends on here as well since meeting new people is always really nice!