.+Just For Tonight+.lilie-morhiril on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/lilie-morhiril/art/Just-For-Tonight-103682742lilie-morhiril

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.+Just For Tonight+.



(as always i don't know if this is the right category XDD)

ahhh my 2 lovely "baby" **...this is a drawing about my 2 characters in a Victorian RPG ^^...it was so many time that i wanted to draw them togheter >.<
The title is the title of a sad song (performed by Ville Valo and Manna) that i like very much and i've thought that that is the perfect song for them two**

Abel Lothar Esther Gray and Elizabeth Vivian Disraeli © Lilie
from Victorian Tales RPG © :iconperfidadelfine:

faccio anche della pubblicità: se c'è gente a cui piace il periodo vittoriano e vorrebbe giocare ad un gdr ambientato nella Londra di fine ottocento è il benvenuto e non deve far altro che giungere qui --> [link]
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450x660px 144.06 KB
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Elly3981's avatar
How beautiful! I just love Abel/Esther; those two are simply meant to be ^^