I’m just an autistic fellow who expresses himself through drawing.
Thank you for all the favs!
thank You for the faves :3
You’re very welcome. Also samurai jack is one of my all time favorite animated shows.
I will draw your OC.
So who/what inspired you to do art in the first place, and where do you usually get your ideas?
As a kid I think the one that inspired me was Dr. Seuss. I loved looking through his books and looking at his one of a kind art style and all the strange creatures he created, and of course I’ve watch a lot of classic Disney movies and Cartoon Network shows that made me want to be an animator. I’m also a fan of speculative biology that inspired some of my art.
Speaking of spec-bio art, are there any artists in the speculative evolution and/or spec-biology field that you draw some inspiration from? If so, who?