Current Residence: Bexhill/London
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium
Print preference: I dont knowww
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Trance lots of random Pop/Indy/classical/Chiptune as well
Favourite style of art: Anything that appeals to me at the time, though i do like the simple stylized graphic work a lot
MP3 player of choice: I-Phone, yeah i'm one of them
Shell of choice: shells.. yes ...
Wallpaper of choice: games, movies, artwork or what im into at the time, or my friends
Skin of choice: mine is the best i would say.
Favourite cartoon character: Finn, Stewie, ah I'll come back to this
Personal Quote: "Awesome!", "Dude", "Hmm" "Seriously" "...or whatever" lots of awful puns and many scrubs/friends/movie and TV quotes
Yeah sure, i'ts cool dude!
Wouldnt mind that much, every now and then is fine ^^
Nope, wouldnt really wanna see those >.
Other (please say)