lightning-kyria's avatar


Most Awesome Person Ever
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One of the best things about art is that it doesn't have to be perfect and, in a way, those imperfections actually make the piece perfect. To me, art is the stories we want to tell, the feelings we want others to experience. The idea of perfection is merely a hindrance to that goal. No one will ever be perfect. Even the most talented artist may look at one of their pieces and think about adding some minor detail. The point is that we, as artists, grow and through that growth our ideas of perfection change. For that reason, I think we shouldn't strive for perfection. Excellence is good. Perfection is just a bit too much.

I say all this because I know most everyone gets upset at their work when really they should be happy about what they create. We focus too much on others' work. And though it may act as inspiration, it often leads to bitter comparisons. The same is true for the perfect piece in each artist's head and the frustration that comes from falling short of that version of the piece. But there's no reason to be upset or frustrated. Art is the expression of personal ideas and feelings and thus, it will grow as you grow. The ideas that started the piece are still as unique and beautiful as they are in your finished piece. So why despair? You have transformed a piece of your imagination into a form that others can now see and understand. Be proud of what you have done!

Things won't be perfect and there will be some pieces that you simply despise. But hey, that's ok! My point is to not ever give up or beat yourself up over whatever amazing thought you have brought out of your head. Technique is something you can always work on and the more you practice bringing out your ideas, the easier it will be to express them in a form you are truly proud of. So don't get upset over a piece you aren't that proud of because I'm proud of it for you. It's another step in your journey as an artist and shows just how much potential you have still left waiting inside you. I know you'll pull it out in the future and the things you create with it will be incredible.  

You know, I still have my oldest stuff on this account. I'm not happy with some of it and I can pick out so many of my mistakes haha. But at the same time, I'm proud of it because those were the stories I chose to tell back then. And those are the ideas that have led to my skill now. I know I'm not the best. I have so much to learn still and I'm truly excited about that. However, I'm still happy with what I make. It's my form of expression, my own style. It'll change in the future as I learn new things but it's proof of who I am at this moment.

My goal as an artist is not only to develop my technique and skill but to enjoy creating the works I pull out of my head. I want to be able to look back years from now and see how each piece led to the next, the evolution of my own unique style. So I hope you do the same. And even if I don't know you, I'm still proud of whatever you've made. The ability to take something from the imagination and form it into a tangible work in the physical world is a gift in itself that we should all be proud of. :)

Never give up, guys. Now, I'm gonna go take a nap hahaha

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Ranty Rant Rant

3 min read
Look at this. I haven't written a journal entry in FOREVER. My profile needs some love. And better pictures -which I do have! I just haven't uploaded them yet. But I am considering it. Believe it or not, I actually have some talent at art. I got a 5 in AP Drawing. BEAT THAT! You can't.

I have alot of fun doodling on the computer though, despite failing with colors. This digital painting crap is hard. Things are much much easier to do with good ole colored pencils! I love my colored pencils. I'm also rambling because I'm bored and have nothing better to do.

But you know, another thing I've gotten back into lately is sprites. My earlier attempts really sucked (unless I just made an animation from game sprites but that's wayyyy too easy); however, now I think I'm getting pretty decent at it. Not that you care, I guess. I doubt anyone besides me will read this. Whoo! More reason for me to rant on about anything and everything.

I have two stories I'm writing/drawing. It's alot of fun. I really hope to turn them into a webcomic one day (yeah yeah that popular thing). I don't mean to follow the crowd but I have always wanted to accomplish this. Too bad my limited skills are holding me back. I still need more practice before I can actually make anything half decent. Then again, maybe that's the perfectionist in me talking. So far, I've doodled snippits of one story in a small book I carry with me and at least 80 of its pages now are full. It's fun making a crazy complex story. Well maybe not that complex... but it does deal with parallel worlds and such so I don't know.

The imagination is a wonderful thing. It's probably the single greatest gift we have as humans. Or a curse. But I choose to view it in a positive outlook, opening the mind to adventures that may not be possible in the current time. So I encourage you to dream, imagine world after world! Endless adventures await those looking for them! Or maybe I'm just getting too worked up over nothing. One of my friends seems to think so. Ah but what good is life if you can't have fun?

Surprisingly, I'm out of things to say now. I most likely will upload some of my art in the near future. The good stuff. And I'll start making more, most likely. If I can ever find my colored pencils. Art just isn't worth doing if I can't enjoy doing it. And that's exactly how things should be.

To anyone who has read all this, some advice for you to make this worthwhile: Follow your dreams. Do what you love. And never ever doubt yourself.

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Yo, peoples! Okay so we (me and Sarah) have apparently came up with an awesome comic idea and after many halirious events and much much pondering on hair styles, I finally have seemed to get a good set of ideas to start and most of my friends planned out.
Now here's the current problem: We just need a name for the set of sticky figure comics! Unfortunately, the brainstormer for the comic has lost the ability to come up with ideas... or at least a name for it. >_> Sarah...

Anyway! We need name ideas!! So think peoples!!

Sadly the only people who will read this are most likely Sarah and Neko. But there may still be a slight chance that some random person may come upon this and have some amazing idea so I write this for that sake! Huzzah!!

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1 min read
i finally got to watch Code Geass R2 ep 20!! yay!!! and it really picked up the whole series again! i mean for a while it was kinda boring (mostly with C.C. losing her memory T_T) but now its good again! yay!
hmm.. now i feel like drawing some fanart.. ah but with my pending restriction (and fear of not drawing a picture worthy enough for said amazing anime) i aint sure.

anyway. random rambling of boredom. yay!
but isnt that what journals are for anyway? XD

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Raggle Fraggle

1 min read
ok first off: My Chemical Romance rocks!
secondly: their song Helena is one of their very best

now when i listen to great songs i get bunches of ideas to draw to go with them, like many other peoples. but i got like 3 ideas for that one song (at least) and i really really wanna draw but cant decide which one to draw.

grr this is quite annoying

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(The) Perfection is a Lie by lightning-kyria, journal

Ranty Rant Rant by lightning-kyria, journal

Name the Stickys!! by lightning-kyria, journal

Awesomeness!!! by lightning-kyria, journal

Raggle Fraggle by lightning-kyria, journal