LiekkeenValve's avatar


Hunter in the court of Ice Queen
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Photography
My Bio

I'm an otaku, low-class nerd, convention arranger, a diplomat, raver, introvert, tall, writer, dancer, photographer/artist, au pair, student, of age, female and fanfiction-lover to name a few. And I likes to express my opinions through my photography.
Personal Quote: I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.

Favourite Movies
At the moment Easy A
Favourite TV Shows
The Big Bang Theory, NCIS, Mentalist, Lie to Me, Doctor Who, BSG, Firefly, Star Trek
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Machinae Supramacy, U-KISS, Poets of the Fall, SHINee, Andrea Bocelli, NU'EST to name a few
Favourite Books
Lumen ja Jään maa, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Hogfather, Lord of the Rings
Favourite Writers
A.C. Doyle, Douglas Adams, Terry Prachett, J.R.R. Tolkien, Garth Nix, Stuart Hill, Agatha Christie
Favourite Games
Guild Wars, Assassins Creed, Dragon Age, Mass Effect
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Drawing, writing, reading, photographying, cooking... And so on.
...a journal entry carefully enough.From: :iconAG-Emily:Only in finnish.Kommentoimalla laitat minut kertomaan vastauksen kysymyksiin kohdallasi.1. Kerron mitä taruolentoa mielestäni muistutat.2. Kerron mikä väri sinusta tulee minulle mieleen.3. Kerron mikä haju / tuoksu sinusta tulee mieleen.4. Kerron mikä on sinun elementti, mielestäni5. Kysyn sinulta kysymyksen, johon sinun täytyy vastata.6. Kerron asian, mistä pidän sinussa.7. Annan sinulle lempinimen, jos vain keksin.8. Kerron mikä esine on oikealla tai vasemmalla puolellani9. Pakotan sinut tekemään tämän! omaan journaliisi <3
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and school's about to start. I'll try to fit at least one more photography project before I get sucked into my studies. I don't think I've mentioned that my focus was to improve my skill in photographying people and I do believe I've improved. Any suggestions on which to focus next?--- It's way too hot for me...
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I looked through my events calendar just the other day and made an interesting discovery. Out of the fourteen weekends of this summer, only four weekends are empty..So here's a list of events and conventions I will be making an appearance in! (all in Finland) 7.6. AVICII, Helsinki - security 14.6.- 16.6. Desucon, Lahti - photography assistant Midsummers festival with my family 27.6.- 30.6. Cottage camp with one hobbyist group 6.7. Friend's wedding 13.7.- 14.7. Animecon, Kuopio - photography assistant 19.7.- 20.7. Wanaja-festival, Hämeenlinna - security 26.7.- 28.7. Ropecon, Espoo - programmer 9.8.- 10.8. Aura Fest, Turku - securityAfter su...
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Profile Comments 123

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MoikkaEps's avatar
Hey! No problem, I think you're really talented (: Feel free to check out mine! Hope you like it :3
MissLumikki's avatar
Hyvää syntymäpäivää! :) (Smile)
MissLumikki's avatar
Hyvää syntymäpäivää! :)
LiekkeenValve's avatar
ElectrikSunrise's avatar
Thank you so much for the fave in DrekiLovely Shoujo Emoji (Huggy Hug) [V2] It means a lot to me >w< Also, here have a llama owo
By the way, you have a beautiful gallery with amazing cosplays, your pictures are wonderful, you have a great sense for composition! I'm especially in love with "Mother Weasley", you managed to bring out the colors so much and it made it simply wonderful! Llama Emoji-03 (Sparkles) [V1]  Keep up the great work my fellow artist! ^3^
LiekkeenValve's avatar
Thank you for your kind words! I am rather happy with my skill but there is still much to learn. ^^
I really liked the colors and the artstyle of your picture. It stood out among the other pictures I was looking at. :)