Deviation Actions
Badge Awards
Show: 2024 Championship in the Gardens
Class: Eventing Division (cross country - 60cm)
Horse: Evidence in the Ashes
Horse's Age: 5 yo
Rider: Aileen Henning-Reid (23yo)
Futurity Ticket: Ticket # 26
Country: United States of America
Stable: Azure Strait Riding Centre
Merch used: AusWBA saddlepad, Futurity Polo
Banner: Haute Equiture (last panel)
As the afternoon approached, and there were still many riders before them, Aileen glanced at the sky, kind of nervous. True, the girl could never get over her own biggest demon, the anxiety, but right now, not only the show made her tense, but the weather.
"It should be fine." John broke the silence, glancing up at Aileen who snapped out of her worried, statue-like status.
"Yeah, it is just the weather that bothers me. I'd rather not have him spooked if the thunders come." She smiled nervously, shrugging. She knew some of her horses were prone to spook when the loud noises scared them - naturally. And even if Chico was not one of those - he was more concerned about getting any kind of bubblegum in his mane - thus horrifying any human around him, Leen would've preferred the horse being focused on the trail and arriving unharmed. "I can smell the rain in the air." She hissed with a nervous smirk, only turning back to John, as the man patted on the warmblood's neck.
"I can only recommend what I told you soooo many times before." He stopped for a sec, to see if his granddaughter was listening. "Trust him and your abilities. I would say the same if it was Aemilius here, who we know - is afraid of lightning. If he knows you are spooked, he will be spooked and that is when not only the thunder is loud. Gotcha?" He smiled, taking a step back, and putting his hands in his pocket.
By the time the team before Chico and Leen finished their turn, the sky was already getting darker. Surely, a storm cell had to reach this time. Leen glanced once back to her grandfather, showing a thumbs up.
"Just focus and trust. Don't make me fish you out of the water jumps. Your parents and your grandmother - especially your grandmother - will skin me if I bring you home scratched up." He rolled his eyes, not even losing his smirk. Aileen only nodded, putting a similar smirk on her face as Chico and she bolted off from the starting point.
As they cleared jump by jumps, the rain was already falling, with occasional thunders and lightings.
"You are doing great boy." Leen patted Chico's neck, and the grullo boy glanced back at her rider. In his eyes trust, and someone could've said that he was smiling. He also wanted Leen to know, that they can handle this, they are a great team. And that is what his rider really needed at that moment...
(432 words)
No refs for the poses
BG inspo provided by host LINK (top "panel) LINK LINK (checked some google maps images for the run between jump and Mrs Macquarie's chair)
Ofc Lib is the master of procrastination and CHAOS lord, but Exam season is still on, so I am like... Study, eat, sleep, maybe draw - and my luck, second time in my uni life I got sick when I have to study for a hard exam LOL I am better now so it's back on full force mode - kinda
Third year was the hardest - as expected - so I am bummed how I could not work more on my futurity pieces... But at least one son can finish the championship
I have no words, this is such a cool and dynamic piece, you can really feel the tension and drama with the rain and the dark clouds! Good luck to your team in the event <3