Happy (Late) VanShion Day 2015! [13/06]libbyxpaopu97 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/libbyxpaopu97/art/Happy-Late-VanShion-Day-2015-13-06-539662843libbyxpaopu97

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libbyxpaopu97's avatar

Happy (Late) VanShion Day 2015! [13/06]



Haven't had much time to work on pictures recently. So much has been going on...ah whatever. I may edit this a bit more tomorrow when I...have enough...energy...*needs sleep* -_-'
I absolutely love this couple! They are so cute together. Ever since reading 'Smile Again' by chococrepes/solette, I have fallen in love with these two! Heart Love 

I can't think of anything more to say apart from that. Sorry I'm about a day late. As I said, a lot things in my life have been going on and I have been running out of motivation as of recently. However, this couple gave me an excuse to start practising with MMD again which is always nice! Wink/Razz 

Please excuse the crappy quality, I'll fix that when I have finished editing this picture, thanks! 
Made with: MikuMikuDance and MikuMikuEffect


ShootingStarBlue [Pose edited by me!]

(Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix and Disney!)


(Please tell me in the comments if I have missed anyone out!)

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1920x1080px 469.81 KB
© 2015 - 2025 libbyxpaopu97
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