Nidl the Seamtientlgliang on DeviantArt

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Nidl the Seamtient



If the cosmos is made of strings and reality is like a fabric, who sews up the rips and tears? That's how the Seamtient idea came along, living puppets made of Cosmic Thread who make sure the quilt of reality is well maintained.

Nidl is the Seamtient in charge of a generic fantasy world, taking a strange but non-threatening form, though genderless has feminine leanings. The spool holds Nidl's sheddings, completing the seamstress' kit is a large needle and Dimensional shears. Her fashion sense is like a fancy bag-lady, and pinned on the skirt are lots of cloth scraps for practical sewing, like patching up torn shirts.

This is an old one idea. On my to-do lists, this has migrated 3 times and I write a new list every few years when the old list's paper got cruddy. As a character design, animalistic ears do most of the emoting with a mute and unblinking button-eyed creature.

To explore: Other forms of Seamtients, some bug-like, some like flying spaghetti monster.
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bubbles46853's avatar
Awww...I wanna hug it!!