Lexxi-on's avatar


94 Watchers226 Deviations

Check out this video of "Nightsong" if you have not seen/heard it yet on the offical Warcraft website. (I just discovered it today) Very lovely singing by the VGMC crew. This song is played in-game (without the back-up choir) in the Temple of Elune, Darnassus and in Feralas. Possibly other zones as well, but these are the two areas I have been to and heard for myself.

<da:embed profile="youtube" id="1y8H2r4f7eo" width="500" height="284"/>

Gadzooks, so the hubby and I have been seirously talking about leaving WoW and focusing on Tera full time. We just don't want to be paying for two monthly fee games, not to mention the fact hubby has a full time job and wouldn't have time for both. Still very much up in the air but its being considered more and more. Hope a TMV comes out soon in that case...

Update on my ATs, hoping to have them done soon in the next two days and posted by the end of this week. Thanks again for your paitence, guys! :heart:


I made a bitch of myself over a certain matter in public so I'm just giving out my apology in the same manner. This was months ago though and I don't even fully understand or remember the real reason of my hostility towards this person. I do remember it was in the brink of several WMV edit artists being attacked by "those superior to us because they are real artists who don't just edit but actually draw and create even though my dog could crap more expressive art then their stick figures" and this certain person commented on one of my pieces in a tone I took not being friendly. Its easy to take things being hostile though instead of being understanding he's just offering his opinion or knowledge on the matter over the internet because we are expecting the usual trolls and cyber bullies at every turn. Nevertheless, when he expressed I had possibly renamed something incorrectly on the title of one of my edits, I took it in the same manner as everything else being dished out over our WMV edit community, "you're wrong", "what you did isn't right", "you need to change", etc etc etc. So I told him to shove it basically and put him on ignore. For no reason at all other then going along with the attitude that was floating around the cyber air in DA.

What's one person on ignore though, why make a big deal, especially if its been months now and he's moved on without giving me a thought and I should just do the same.

Well that kinda shit bugs me. Not resolving matters without at least a tolerable handshake bugs the living crap out of me. I had the comments on hidden all this time but this was the piece we lashed out over. Really its quite silly, I realize, reading it almost a year later. lexxi-on.deviantart.com/art/Az…

The editing is too shitty to even squabble over!

So with all the ranting aside...

To :iconyoung-m:,

I deeply apologize for my rude and bitchy behavior, attitude and insensitive words towards you. By no means do you have to reply or say or do anything at all. This is just put on here for you to see. I know I'm still on ignore so I don't know if I can just send a note and you'd get it and I'm certainly not going to ask someone else to play messenger for me. This is just here for you to see, whenever you see it. I noticed you visited my page quite a few weeks (months even probably) back even after we had put each other on block so hoping you'll venture across this page again some day.


aka Katherine W.

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Didn't Read Stamp by JFG107-Stamps

:nuu: NOOO! :nuu: Tera OB ends today! I'ma be a sad panda...seriously the weekend seemed to last soooo long and thats rare for the hubbster and I. We had such a awesome time leveling up, and quite surprised we reached the level cap (lvl 32) already for OB (game cap is 60). We got our guild Iniquitous started off on Frost Reach server, and not only have our WoW buds that came over with us in the guild but friends of theirs from other games/rl joining us, and we even recruited several people already while leveling. Have about four married couples in guild too. :squee: I so excited. Thats why I so sad its going to end today...and have to wait until Saturday for the pre-order head start. :faint:

Seriously, the hubby and I have tried many, many, MANY other MMOs through our WoW gaming experience (Everquest, Lineage, Cabal, Alleods, Forsaken World, Luna-something-something, Age of Conan, Aion, Rift, Starcraft, SWTOR, etc etc etc) (both have been playing since January/March 2005) and always quickly retreated back to WoW. Like many others, we would compare the game to WoW, find way too many faults and flaws, and would be done and over with the game in about a week's time. But hubby was seriously just logging onto WoW just to raid...he'd get a toon to 85, gear it up through easy loot dungeons in 2-3 days and be done. Tera has been the first one in a long time to actual interest us with the new combat mechanic style it offers (no more easy tab targeting for you! You gotta actually aim where you are casting/slashing at!) along with the realistic graphics compared to WoW's cartoon style. We still love WoW, still gonna be pandaing it up in MoP, but its nice to have variety. We had our doubts when hearing Tera is a Korean based game--aka lots and lots of grinding in profession leveling and many other things you want to seriously pursue in--but we actually took it in a different light as in "Hey, things are more difficult/challenging. Isn't this what we have been wanting? WoW has been getting too easy." It'll serve as a nice filter for people who are used to getting spoon fed in a game like WoW and flushing them out, leaving gaming veterans like us to have our fun. The skill shot/dodge combat system will be trying enough for a lot of people already (leveling up with normal quests not so much, but with dungeons and BAMs, oh yes), and I can see the frustration already with profession leveling/enchanting getting on everyone's nerves as well. I'm looking forward to pursuing Tera relentlessly until MoP is officially released.

Speaking of MoP...huge let down by the beta. Hubby got his invite with the first wave of invites going out and me in the second, before all the rage began of people who signed up for AP and have been playing as long as us not getting theirs as well, and we couldn't download the friggin beta without error01 to error03242553362356879 popping up every second. After hours on wowofficial/mmo/wowhead/wi forums for possible fixes, I ended up force starting the game and downloading while I played, but when the crowds came in and the lag went up, I said screw it. Things happen for a reason, it made us eager enough to try Tera out and pre order it before we even tried it (we had been convinced by a WoW friend too that it would be worth our time). I understand and agree with the justifications of the people who argued it was not right to not get their invite, but Blizzard handled the whole thing poorly, sending out 200-550k invites out at a time, several times in a matter of weeks and only....FOUR servers up to handle everyone??? Yeaaaah...have fun with that guys.

All that ranting/fangirl squealing aside...ATs/Kiriban winners will be taken care of this week, I promise. It was my husband's birthday yesterday so one of my gifts was to just spend as much time as possible and playing Tera with him since he got the whole weekend off from work to do so. So I do apologize for the continued wait, but I will start on them tomorrow :)


This gets a special section of its own...so one of my good friends has recently started playing WoW again, has a toon or two on my server she's been leveling up to play with me (alliance side), and I've been trying to return the favor and play with her on her servers with horde toons (she loves dem Blood Elves). She goes all over the place though...MG, KT, WA, BH, Eonar, ER....yeah, a lot of the RP servers. Now back in the day, when I was still a young, innocent maiden (HA!), I used to Roleplay all the time in Vanilla and BC. I got into a lot of the one-night-lemon-stands as we called it back then when people would see I was semi/full literate and we could actually have a serious but fun rp scenario together, and a few of those turned into serious partners. I was all for keeping the RP inside the game, or if it was outside the game, it would still be RP on another game/forum, ie gaiaonline. But even then I'd make exceptions to those I felt close with and we'd talk during the day on a messenger app of some sort. Where you start to reveal REAL facts about yourself. Most of the time, I was older then the guys (and girls too) and I would feel conscious about it at first, thinking they might be weirded out by that. Never ran into one that was, they all seemed to love it and to several of them they started calling me sugar mama (again, this was back when I was just 19-21 years old!)

So back to present time...I'm on these RP servers, I see some RP going on, people are making mention of these RP add ons too, so I downloaded one so I could see the background story of some. Most seem "you're trying too hard to seem cool but it sounds more emo/angst then anything" and A LOT are just "that should not even exist in the WoW universe". I'm no lore expert but I know enough . Some are decent though, and I write my own up, but think I'm just a lowbie character, probably won't get any attention until I'm higher/capped. Oh, was I wrong. My background seemed to intrigue a lot and get a lot of whispers about it, but only a few tried to actually engage in RP. Three of them confessed they didn't think they'd be good enough, my story sounded like something from a book apparently. So I downplayed it and made it more simple; monosyllabic.

So while out in Ghostlands (because I'm not allowed to level up anything other then a BE apparently! hehe) I'm all the way out by the shoreline infiltrating some night elf camps, acting like a badass in my own head since I was playing a rogue and acting like a ninja, when I start to see these emotes of someone who was apparently in stealth too and watching me. I see the name in the emote, do a /who and find out its a level 85 BE rogue. I also realize its a name I just saw in Silvermoon City a few minutes ago who had been targeting me for a while, probably reading my story but never said anything. So now I start wildly assuming he came all the way out here just to follow me around and watch me. I wasn't too far from the truth.

So the RP starts! He asks if I'm from such and such ninja clan and I'm out on my first assignment. I go right along with it but I'm being silly at the same time too, saying I'm really a veteran coming out of retirement and learning the new tricks of the trade. I feel like I'm too old to play a greenhorn babe. Apparently this intrigues him and we end up doing as much ((ooc)) talk as we do RP. When he asks my BE's age, I admit to him I don't know the rules nowadays and whats considered average age range, so he tells me a bullshit but at the same time clever little line I could see working on most girls you take your real age and multiply it by 6 for a more realistic elven age. I call him out on it right away and he just says "was worth a try, no?" I could care less at the same time, though. I doubt I would be on the server that much, much less talking to him again beyond that night, so I told him the truth. Give him a minute to do the math...he suddenly starts whispering me even though we had been talking in /say chat the whole time and no one else had come out to the night elf camp island the entire time we had been out there.

"You're 26?"
"Holy crap, I'm RPing with a Cougar! That is awesome."

My jaw dropped at the screen. A COUGAR?!?! My understanding of the term is a woman who preys upon men almost young enough to be their sons, or in other debatable arguments, AT LEAST ten years younger. So I ask him how old he is. He says 19. I just sigh and explain the term. He tells me in the WoW RP world, it's only a five-year-age limit. So I ask him what is the guy called when it is the other way around? He just grins and says "Pervert."

I will admit, adding "cougar" to my RP description is tempting, were it not for the trolling I would be sure to get. I bet it would be unique at least. *insert devilish rp-like smirk here*


Ahem...STILL getting notes on this...

:bulletpink::bulletorange:NOTICE:bulletpink::bulletorange: I am NOT doing Wallpaper/Signature commissions. Thank you for the interest and the notes I've been receiving but I only do Art Trades nowadays, so if you really do want a wallpaper/signature, I'd like a art/written piece in return (does NOT have to be Warcraft related. I would request something from you based off of your talent and what you are familiar with writing/drawing/creating). If you are not interested in a AT and just want a sig/wallpaper, I would highly recommend visiting the mmo-champion sig thread. Tons of great editors/artists on there looking for work. www.mmo-champion.com/threads/6…

Seriously, I know a lot of my older signatures/wallpapers have the "actively taking sigs requests" in the description. That was over a year ago on those. Please stop sending such notes. Only Art Trades are accepted!

Current Art Trades Lined Up:

KI-KI-KI-KIRIBAN WINNAH: :iconalkharia:

1. :iconsoftlyvoiced:
2. :iconarnieliaguard:
3. :iconscorpioevil:


I made a bitch of myself over a certain matter in public so I'm just giving out my apology in the same manner. This was months ago though and I don't even fully understand or remember the real reason of my hostility towards this person. I do remember it was in the brink of several WMV edit artists being attacked by "those superior to us because they are real artists who don't just edit but actually draw and create even though my dog could crap more expressive art then their stick figures" and this certain person commented on one of my pieces in a tone I took not being friendly. Its easy to take things being hostile though instead of being understanding he's just offering his opinion or knowledge on the matter over the internet because we are expecting the usual trolls and cyber bullies at every turn. Nevertheless, when he expressed I had possibly renamed something incorrectly on the title of one of my edits, I took it in the same manner as everything else being dished out over our WMV edit community, "you're wrong", "what you did isn't right", "you need to change", etc etc etc. So I told him to shove it basically and put him on ignore. For no reason at all other then going along with the attitude that was floating around the cyber air in DA.

What's one person on ignore though, why make a big deal, especially if its been months now and he's moved on without giving me a thought and I should just do the same.

Well that kinda shit bugs me. Not resolving matters without at least a tolerable handshake bugs the living crap out of me. I had the comments on hidden all this time but this was the piece we lashed out over. Really its quite silly, I realize, reading it almost a year later. lexxi-on.deviantart.com/art/Az…

The editing is too shitty to even squabble over!

So with all the ranting aside...

To :iconyoung-m:,

I deeply apologize for my rude and bitchy behavior, attitude and insensitive words towards you. By no means do you have to reply or say or do anything at all. This is just put on here for you to see. I know I'm still on ignore so I don't know if I can just send a note and you'd get it and I'm certainly not going to ask someone else to play messenger for me. This is just here for you to see, whenever you see it. I noticed you visited my page quite a few weeks (months even probably) back even after we had put each other on block so hoping you'll venture across this page again some day.


aka Katherine W.

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Kiriban Winner!

5 min read
Drumroll, please! I had a hunch of who was going to make sure she snagged this, and sure enough :iconalkharia: got my 6k Kiriban! alkharia.deviantart.com/art/kr…
Every time I logged on she had just recently visited my page! Thank you for the dedication, time, patience and pageviews, Alkharia! It takes just one person like you to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that someone would want a wmv edit from me so sincerely ^.^ Please send a note of what you would like and I'll get to work on it right away :)


:bulletpink::bulletorange:NOTICE:bulletpink::bulletorange: I am NOT doing Wallpaper/Signature commissions. Thank you for the interest and the notes I've been receiving but I only do Art Trades nowadays, so if you really do want a wallpaper/signature, I'd like a art/written piece in return (does NOT have to be Warcraft related. I would request something from you based off of your talent and what you are familiar with writing/drawing/creating). If you are not interested in a AT and just want a sig/wallpaper, I would highly recommend visiting the mmo-champion sig thread. Tons of great editors/artists on there looking for work. www.mmo-champion.com/threads/6…

Current Art Trades Lined Up:

1. :iconsoftlyvoiced: I'm so intimidated now to do any piece for you after that last edit you did o.O *bows before the master*
2. :iconarnieliaguard: Got your note! I'll get started on this soon :la:
3. :iconscorpioevil: Whenever you get the time/send a note, good sir :)
4. -OpenZ!-
5. -OpenZ!-


I made a bitch of myself over a certain matter in public so I'm just giving out my apology in the same manner. This was months ago though and I don't even fully understand or remember the real reason of my hostility towards this person. I do remember it was in the brink of several WMV edit artists being attacked by "those superior to us because they are real artists who don't just edit but actually draw and create even though my dog could crap more expressive art then their stick figures" and this certain person commented on one of my pieces in a tone I took not being friendly. Its easy to take things being hostile though instead of being understanding he's just offering his opinion or knowledge on the matter over the internet because we are expecting the usual trolls and cyber bullies at every turn. Nevertheless, when he expressed I had possibly renamed something incorrectly on the title of one of my edits, I took it in the same manner as everything else being dished out over our WMV edit community, "you're wrong", "what you did isn't right", "you need to change", etc etc etc. So I told him to shove it basically and put him on ignore. For no reason at all other then going along with the attitude that was floating around the cyber air in DA.

What's one person on ignore though, why make a big deal, especially if its been months now and he's moved on without giving me a thought and I should just do the same.

Well that kinda shit bugs me. Not resolving matters without at least a tolerable handshake bugs the living crap out of me. I had the comments on hidden all this time but this was the piece we lashed out over. Really its quite silly, I realize, reading it almost a year later. lexxi-on.deviantart.com/art/Az…

The editing is too shitty to even squabble over!

So with all the ranting aside...

To :iconyoung-m:,

I deeply apologize for my rude and bitchy behavior, attitude and insensitive words towards you. By no means do you have to reply or say or do anything at all. This is just put on here for you to see. I know I'm still on ignore so I don't know if I can just send a note and you'd get it and I'm certainly not going to ask someone else to play messenger for me. This is just here for you to see, whenever you see it. I noticed you visited my page quite a few weeks (months even probably) back even after we had put each other on block so hoping you'll venture across this page again some day.


aka Katherine W.

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Eta 40 more pageviews to 6,000! Post a screenshot getting exactly or have the closest to 6k and you get a free WMV edit of whatever your imagination can conjure up! :la: I'm noticing certain people are frequenting my page more often then usual. Are some peeps trying to catch the kiriban?! That makes me happy :heart:

In other news, totally addicted to Castleville on Facebook, thanks to hubby. I NEED MOAR CASTLEVILLE NEIGHBORS! Should like, comment to this journal if you wanna buddy up (aka be friends on facebook so I can send neighbor request for CV). I'll be your sword polisher for your barracks! Wait, that sounds bad...or good...depending. :nuu:

T-MINUS ELEVEN HOURS UNTIL TERA OPEN BETA STARTS! So why da fuq am I still up at 3 in the morning to write about this?! Oh yeah...was rearranging my castleville land ~.~ Sigh...People should sign up for the Tera Beta, I think they'll give instant access now. But I warn you, the download is INSANE. Expect to run it about 2-3 days, best running overnight. Yeah...but its worth it.

TERA IS AWESOME!!! The hubby and I got to level 18 already today, but both were so tired so crashed early. More grinding tomorrow :meow:

:bulletpink::bulletorange:NOTICE:bulletpink::bulletorange: I am NOT doing Wallpaper/Signature commissions. Thank you for the interest and the notes I've been receiving but I only do Art Trades nowadays, so if you really do want a wallpaper/signature, I'd like a art/written piece in return (does NOT have to be Warcraft related. I would request something from you based off of your talent and what you are familiar with writing/drawing/creating). If you are not interested in a AT and just want a sig/wallpaper, I would highly recommend visiting the mmo-champion sig thread. Tons of great editors/artists on there looking for work. www.mmo-champion.com/threads/6…

Current Art Trades Lined Up:

1. :iconsoftlyvoiced: I'm so intimidated now to do any piece for you after that last edit you did o.O *bows before the master*
2. :iconarnieliaguard: <-- I need that character sheet/reference! :la:
3. :iconscorpioevil: Whenever you get the time/send a note, good sir :)
4. -OpenZ!-
5. -OpenZ!-


I made a bitch of myself over a certain matter in public so I'm just giving out my apology in the same manner. This was months ago though and I don't even fully understand or remember the real reason of my hostility towards this person. I do remember it was in the brink of several WMV edit artists being attacked by "those superior to us because they are real artists who don't just edit but actually draw and create even though my dog could crap more expressive art then their stick figures" and this certain person commented on one of my pieces in a tone I took not being friendly. Its easy to take things being hostile though instead of being understanding he's just offering his opinion or knowledge on the matter over the internet because we are expecting the usual trolls and cyber bullies at every turn. Nevertheless, when he expressed I had possibly renamed something incorrectly on the title of one of my edits, I took it in the same manner as everything else being dished out over our WMV edit community, "you're wrong", "what you did isn't right", "you need to change", etc etc etc. So I told him to shove it basically and put him on ignore. For no reason at all other then going along with the attitude that was floating around the cyber air in DA.

What's one person on ignore though, why make a big deal, especially if its been months now and he's moved on without giving me a thought and I should just do the same.

Well that kinda shit bugs me. Not resolving matters without at least a tolerable handshake bugs the living crap out of me. I had the comments on hidden all this time but this was the piece we lashed out over. Really its quite silly, I realize, reading it almost a year later. lexxi-on.deviantart.com/art/Az…

The editing is too shitty to even squabble over!

So with all the ranting aside...

To :iconyoung-m:,

I deeply apologize for my rude and bitchy behavior, attitude and insensitive words towards you. By no means do you have to reply or say or do anything at all. This is just put on here for you to see. I know I'm still on ignore so I don't know if I can just send a note and you'd get it and I'm certainly not going to ask someone else to play messenger for me. This is just here for you to see, whenever you see it. I noticed you visited my page quite a few weeks (months even probably) back even after we had put each other on block so hoping you'll venture across this page again some day.


aka Katherine W.

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Had a note in my inbox this morning from a "fan" of my edits as he/she stated asking if I would be doing a kiriban anytime soon. I've -NEVER- done one so I guess I'll start now since I know at least one person is interested :) Free WMV edit for whoever catches or gets the closest screenshot of 6,000 pageviews on my profile.

That said, I'm still up for art trades if anyone is interested :heart: Comment here and/or send a note and we can exchange character sheets/references.

In other news...TERA Early character creation tonight!!! Woo
The hubby and I made our characters, went ahead and made matching last names too. I made a Human Mystic, she's gorgeous! Cannot wait to play next weekend. :dance:


I made a bitch of myself over a certain matter in public so I'm just giving out my apology in the same manner. This was months ago though and I don't even fully understand or remember the real reason of my hostility towards this person. I do remember it was in the brink of several WMV edit artists being attacked by "those superior to us because they are real artists who don't just edit but actually draw and create even though my dog could crap more expressive art then their stick figures" and this certain person commented on one of my pieces in a tone I took not being friendly. Its easy to take things being hostile though instead of being understanding he's just offering his opinion or knowledge on the matter over the internet because we are expecting the usual trolls and cyber bullies at every turn. Nevertheless, when he expressed I had possibly renamed something incorrectly on the title of one of my edits, I took it in the same manner as everything else being dished out over our WMV edit community, "you're wrong", "what you did isn't right", "you need to change", etc etc etc. So I told him to shove it basically and put him on ignore. For no reason at all other then going along with the attitude that was floating around the cyber air in DA.

What's one person on ignore though, why make a big deal, especially if its been months now and he's moved on without giving me a thought and I should just do the same.

Well that kinda shit bugs me. Not resolving matters without at least a tolerable handshake bugs the living crap out of me. I had the comments on hidden all this time but this was the piece we lashed out over. Really its quite silly, I realize, reading it almost a year later. lexxi-on.deviantart.com/art/Az…

The editing is too shitty to even squabble over!

So with all the ranting aside...

To :iconyoung-m:,

I deeply apologize for my rude and bitchy behavior, attitude and insensitive words towards you. By no means do you have to reply or say or do anything at all. This is just put on here for you to see. I know I'm still on ignore so I don't know if I can just send a note and you'd get it and I'm certainly not going to ask someone else to play messenger for me. This is just here for you to see, whenever you see it. I noticed you visited my page quite a few weeks (months even probably) back even after we had put each other on block so hoping you'll venture across this page again some day.


aka Katherine W.</font size>

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'Nightsong' video posted, a must-listen! by Lexxi-on, journal

Have I made it clear yet? I LOVE TERA! by Lexxi-on, journal

Kiriban Winner! by Lexxi-on, journal

LF Castleville Neighbors/Kiriban at 6k! by Lexxi-on, journal

Kiriban @ 6,000 / LFArtTrade by Lexxi-on, journal