Lets make a plz! A plz is an inactive deviantart account used solely for its icon. They came about via the wish to further customise deviantart emoticons. Plz accounts usually end in the word plz, but not always.To use a plz, type :icon, then the name of the account, then :So the full script looks like :iconACCOUNTNAME : (Without the space) Plz's cover almost every emotion! :iconimhappyplz: :iconimsarcasticplz: :iconbutbutplz: :iconimthinkingplz: :iconblankstareplz: :iconimshockedplz: :iconnotimpressedplz: :iconimhorrifiedplz: :iconimgrinningplz: :iconurnothappyplz: :iconimnothappyplz: :iconimmadplz: :iconexcitedflirtplz: :iconomgwhutplz...