Lexxi-on's avatar


94 Watchers226 Deviations
  • July 18
  • United States
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (39)

Favourite Visual Artist
Yoshitaka Amano
Favourite TV Shows
The Walking Dead
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
ATB, BT, JES, Ocenealab, Tiesto, Sleepthief, Type O Negative, Anggun, Enigma
Favourite Writers
Alice Borchardt, Anne Rice, Josie Litton, Jacqueline Carey
Favourite Games
World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, Evolve, The Witcher, Assassin's Creed, 7 Days to Die, Minecraft, Heroes of the Storm, League of Legends
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS6, Wacom Bamboo Tablet, Warcraft Model Viewer
Check out this video of "Nightsong" if you have not seen/heard it yet on the offical Warcraft website. (I just discovered it today) Very lovely singing by the VGMC crew. This song is played in-game (without the back-up choir) in the Temple of Elune, Darnassus and in Feralas. Possibly other zones as well, but these are the two areas I have been to and heard for myself.Gadzooks, so the hubby and I have been seirously talking about leaving WoW and focusing on Tera full time. We just don't want to be paying for two monthly fee games, not to mention the fact hubby has a full time job and wouldn't have time for both. Still very much up in the ai...
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:thumb282121063::nuu: NOOO! :nuu: Tera OB ends today! I'ma be a sad panda...seriously the weekend seemed to last soooo long and thats rare for the hubbster and I. We had such a awesome time leveling up, and quite surprised we reached the level cap (lvl 32) already for OB (game cap is 60). We got our guild Iniquitous started off on Frost Reach server, and not only have our WoW buds that came over with us in the guild but friends of theirs from other games/rl joining us, and we even recruited several people already while leveling. Have about four married couples in guild too. :squee: I so excited. Thats why I so sad its going to end today......
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Kiriban Winner!

0 min read
Drumroll, please! I had a hunch of who was going to make sure she snagged this, and sure enough :iconAlkharia: got my 6k Kiriban! http://alkharia.deviantart.com/art/kribian-297556002 Every time I logged on she had just recently visited my page! Thank you for the dedication, time, patience and pageviews, Alkharia! It takes just one person like you to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that someone would want a wmv edit from me so sincerely ^.^ Please send a note of what you would like and I'll get to work on it right away :)~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~:bulletpink::bulletorange:NOTICE:bulletpink::bulletorange: I am NOT doing Wallpaper/Signatu...
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Profile Comments 102

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Darkwowforever's avatar
Happy birthday that was!!Woohooooo! 
! Sorry, i'm little late but hope your day was good!Huggle! 
o-SilverWolf-o's avatar
Your art is fantastic.
franarok's avatar
Have a Happy Birthday!!
Lexxi-on's avatar
Darkwowforever's avatar
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! ''Dance party!!!''' whooot whooot! oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhh paaaaaaaaaaaaartyyyyyyyyyy!! ''hugs'' best of luck =P
Lexxi-on's avatar
LadyNoraia's avatar
Glad you reactivated your account! :) I missed you! :P