This might change from time to time...
Name: Lexi
Species: Fox
Gender: Female
Age: I don't wanna tell you!
Fur Colour: Some strange purple colour with black-rimmed-and-weird-swirl-thing eyes
Eye Colour: Magenta
Lexi: Outgoing, friendly, helpful, loyal, loving, curious at times, giving, honest, smart, funny, can be really random at times, hardworking.
Likes: Music, her great friends, video games, colours, long walks, exploring, singing, cake, mocking people, and changing her appearance a lot.
If you ever want to chat with me, I'm totally fine. Just leave a comment on my page. I may not always be able to respond. I love meeting new people. c:
But I'm rather shy when it comes to asking things. I feel rather embarrased. And if anyone ever draws any of my characters, please link it to me. c:
Current Residence: Sky Sanctuary Zone.
Favourite genre of music: Techno, Rave, Pop, and stuff like that.
Favourite style of art: -
Operating System: Windows Vista
Shell of choice: HAMMER BRO.!