
You are not alone.

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Lewia's avatar

Literature Text

We are dots.

The Universe is so big, that it's making us just a little dots.

We brighten up our surroundings when we are happy. And we darken it, when we are not.
Blinking through the universe, until we die.

With great distance between us,
but being connect by invisible lines.

We all have some differences, but we are not so different at all.

We have different colors, different size, different composition, place where we live and with who.

And although we don't see it, we are all living the same.

We are needing the same. We are thinking the same, wishing the same, feeling, experiencing the same.

And we don't realize, that
we all are living not as long as we live, but as long as our shine goes to see.

That we all are having impact to others as big as big we are.

That someone is now and then looking up to us, admiring us, and thinking we are sooo beautiful.
And wishing to reach us. To hear us. To see us closer. To feel our warm. To live near us.

And yet, we think, we mean nothing in our space, just because it's so huge.
But without us, would be the world just black, empty and dead place.

Without us the Universe would not exist.

So keep in mind: The world is big and we are small, but you are never nothing or alone.

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