Break Down Over Drama S/D

8 min read

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lethargicencode's avatar

Hello everyone I just wish to talk about an issue. There are two DA users who seem to have a dispute over characters and AU rights.

I am only going to present what I have been able to find so far. Do NOT harass either of the users. Nor is this post any sort of harassment. I want everyone to be respectable. I am going to just break down the two main issues with what I have been able to find.

We have users SonicStar and Dragonlover.

https :// www / sonicstar21 / posts

https :// www / thedragonlover95 / posts

Issue one: Dispute Over Characters.

The first dispute is over characters Negative Balan and Positive Lance from BalanWonderworld.

From what I could see. SonicStar was claiming Dragonlover stole the charaters from them. Claiming full ownership over NBalan and PLance. It looks like Dragonlover was saying that the OG artist was silverpsychedelic (tumblr) and crediting them. The most Dragonlover seems to own is the variation of silverpsychedelic's characters.

Later on SonicStar seems to change their stance on it and starts to claim that Dragonlover instead stole it directly from silverpsychedelic instead. Edit: A user informed me they made silverpsychedelic aware of the dispute. (to respect SilverP they are not provide anything from their conversation.)(please do not bother SilverP either)

Issue two:  Dispute Over An AU

The second dispute seems to be over an AU that is a crossover of Silent Hills and NiGHTS. Called Silent Dreams.

SonicStar is claiming they created it on 10/8/19. Up till 8/18/21 there hasn't been any show of proof outside saying they created them and they had a very good memory. The proof from 8/18/21 is only a screenshot of a google doc, only mainly showing the title and the creation date. Which alone isn't enough proof as google docs can easily be edited.

EDIT 8/22/21 checked over dates on Dragon's art and see that some of the AU's art was  uploaded 10/7/19. Ex: https :// www. deviantart .com/ thedragonlover95/art/Silent-Dreams-Hannah-s-point-of-view-816006759  where one of the comments of Dragon crediting another user can be found. (see images below) .  Star list the AU was created by them on 10/8/19. Could be just a goof up on dates but I can't be sure either way as there are two separate journals (again see images below) that have this date. But also to note the google doc shows a 10/6/19 date  as well as one of the sorry journals posted. So we can't really be sure on the exact date.

Dragonlover hasn't shown direct proof either but from what I could find they seemed to saying that both users worked on the AU together and has credited them.

So I do not know who might of owned this AU, again just presenting what I have been able to find.

EDIT 9/14/21 One of the users who sent from screenshots has informed me that even with user Dragon blocking Star (viceversa I believe as well). Star is still getting Dragon's art taken down. But the redesigns that Star wouldn't own at all (if Star even owns the OG designs, again it is unclear who owns the OG designs)) Dragon seems to have a watchers only gallery, so it is very unclear how this is happening. ((Again I am new to DA so I am not a 100% sure how everything works yet))

Other: Claims of Bullying

I am not seeing clear evidence of bullying on either side. Some harsh comments or words but nothing I don't think would be considered bullying. I will admit I am disappointed on how this issue has been handled by both parties and can only hope things are resolved peacefully and respectively.

EDIT 9/13/21

User sent me screenshot from the comment section from the Stop this Injustice journal (the one found on 8/22/21). When I saw this I feel it counts towards this section:

comments from the Stop this Injustice journal- fou

Star has users saying quite aggressive things about Dragon and either thanking them, saying ok or asking them to contact Dragon to get the AU back. She isn't asking them to not harness Dragon as I've seen Dragon do. (screen one of the screenshots below) (again that doesn't mean there isn't anything on Dragon's end but so far I haven't found anything like this)


Images so far ( not completely in order)

These are ones that focus on both issues or focused on the character issue.

Star Journal A
Dragon's Part From Star Journal A

(Star's on left with zoom of screenshot of Dragon's on right)(included close up for Dragon's)


Star Journal B

Journal of Star's (blocked names for privacy)

Star Journal C

Journal of Star's  

sorry journal and following journal LI
Following Journal

Star posted a journal saying they were sorry and trying to move on. Follow up journal after wards going back to issue. 2nd pic is is follow up journal. Frist case I can see that Star started claiming Dragon stole from SilverP instead of claiming it was stolen from them.


Charater Comparisons

Character Comparisons.  SilverP on left. Dragon on top right. Star on bottom right. (before Star changed on who characters were stolen from)

Images that focus more on AU issue

dragon did credit star proof LI

Comments under art that show Dragon was crediting Star (in red only box) and part of Star's journal (in yellow box) with part that said there was no credit (red box in yellow box). Name not blocked, seemed to be part of old username.


Dragon Updated Text On Art To Make Credit More Cle

Seems Dragon updated art to make it more clear about the credit they are giving.

8-7 Dragon's Journal

Journal from Dragon from 8/7/21.


Comment From 8-7 Dragon Journal

Also comment from that journal. (name not blocked on journal as it is noted to be a fake name)

*EDIT 9/6/21 User sent screen shot of a comment on the the logo art that seems to relate to this (OG comment thread on left and related thread from the user on right) v

Relates To Comment From Dragon 8-7 Journal


8-18 Star Proof Journal

Journal from Star on 8/18/21. ^
*EDIT 8/20/21 OG journal got taken down and Star reuploaded it*
*EDIT 8/30/21 the reuploaded journal is gone now as well
*EDIT 9/1/21 Star reuploaded it yet  again but this time in the description of a art post instead. (image below)
*EDIT 9/7/21 the google doc is now gone from the art work description. Text is updated now. (added image under OG one)

Reuploded The Goole Doc In An Art 9-1-21

OG Version ^

Reuploded The Google Doc Checked It Again On 9-7-2

Updated Version ^


Star's 'proof' 8-18-- Proof That Doc Can Be Faked

How google doc can be edited to have a new title but still have old created date. Sent by a user.

Worlds Journal 8-20

EDIT 8/20/21
Found another user's journal talking about issue. Names not blocked out (fake names)
EDIT  9/7/21 journal is down atm

EDIT 9/9/21
New Journal from same user

world journal 8-24-21 LI


EDIT 9/9/21.

User sent me link to journal from Dragon. Seems Dragon is redoing the AU. Redoing story, characters and designs. Mentions they have videos of them working on the new designs.

Dragon Journal 9-9-21

Checked gallery and do see there is a link in the redesigns. Checked on of the art works randomly do see the video links show user drawing the art work.

Link To Video On Dragon Redesign Ex


EDIT 9/11/21
Star posted art work, claiming again that they own them and it was created on 10/6/19.


User who sent these to me claims some of the characters were traced from a stream that Dragon hosted. But the stream was cancelled part of the way through so I am unable to find it to see.


Dragon's (left) (OG upload in 2019) and Star's (right) (OG post 2021)



EDIT 9/20/21
Star has uploaded a new version of 'Negative Balan'

Found 9-20-21


Update 6/9/22
*Sigh* I was hoping to not have to update these journals. But I was just sent some pretty....I'm not sure what word fits here, info.

From what the user explained to me that users P (see P journal) and SS along with other user, tried to make Dragon sign some sort of treaty. Giving them a deadline to sign it.

The user explained to me that later on the 'talks' were dropped as SS's'P's side found out the document was being shared. Calling the people snitches. So the user claims.

(the A/B seems to be notes someone posted on it?)

AInkedtreaty v1 (1) LI
Inkedtreaty notes (1) LI
Inkedtreaty notes (1) LIB2

User decided to bring it to my attention after finding a video that talks about it:

Video About Treaty

They found it due to this video:

Bad Word Video

So...I do have to agree with the A/B. It does seem really one sided as a treaty. That is all I have to say on this.

*sigh* I was hoping not to ever need to update again.

All I can wish is everyone can move on and enjoy life.

Again please do not harass any of the users.


So this is what I have been able to find so far.

Again please do not harass any of the users.

Have a great day everyone.

Stay cool this hot summer and stay safe.

© 2021 - 2025 lethargicencode

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