SethLeslieElena19 on DeviantArt

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LeslieElena19's avatar




Name: Seth
Nicknames: ---
Species: Hybrid (fox & wolf) Fox+Wolf Glomp
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Eyes: right - Light Orange
          left - Yellow
Fur/Color: Gray
Personality: Calm, responsible, introverted
Likes: He's introverted...
Dislikes: He's introverted...

Family: ---
Friends: Leslie, Rene
Neutral: Amy, Blaze, Shadow, Sonic, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Chip, Silver, Knuckles, Rouge, Cream, Omega, Jet, Wave, Storm (Like I said - he's introverted)
Enemies: Eggman, Mephiles

He's in GUN. His ability is absorb any material on planet. He can perfectly shot from any gun (And why the heck he isn't a friend with Shadow ?).

Sonic (and characters) (c) Sega
Seth (c) Me
Art (c) Me

I used this:…

If You wanna used my character ask me first please.

Hope You Like It :happybounce:
Image size
372x768px 169.84 KB
© 2014 - 2025 LeslieElena19
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Legend-Star's avatar
omg he is so adorable >w<
can i hug him please? ;w;