Nyx Kaos Katsuit | 3D PromoLeshiye-Art on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/leshiye-art/art/Nyx-Kaos-Katsuit-3D-Promo-699006531Leshiye-Art

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Leshiye-Art's avatar

Nyx Kaos Katsuit | 3D Promo



NyX Khaos Katsuit is a new line of products inspired by uniquely designed, versatile, sexy pieces of clothing fit for any 3D Goddess. The Khaos Katsuit kicks this line off with a style that speaks for itself, for both Genesis 3 and a version for the new Genesis 8 figure as well.

Included in this package: - NyX Khaos Katsuit (.duf) - 10 Material Settings (leather and spandex) Morphs in the Katsuit have been smoothed and perfected to work with popular Genesis 3 character morphs as well as partial body morphs, etc., and the Genesis 8 version as well, and for Victoria 8. All material presets include shaders optimized for the Iray Render Engine.



Original post here.
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RavenDiablo's avatar
Great job!  Beautiful!  She reminds me of Liv Tyler.  A very interesting outfit she has there :).  Give her pointed ears and wings and she would make one heck of an attractive fairy.