Lesbian-Teens's avatar


Years Ago
854 Members783 Watchers

Picnickers Lullaby by x-stormtrooper, literature

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kingTuT08's avatar
hey im new so but im bi and gender fluid soo im 16 and lonely 
AleciaMaria's avatar
Stay safe, stay wonderful, people!!! Keep shining your light, and let no one or nothing ever diminish it!!!
You are all more incredible and wonderful than you can ever know!!!Red Rose Red Rose (Meaning: Love and Romance) Red Rose Emoticon The Rose - Icon Elegant Rose Icon 
Sunny Icon - Sunflower :ArizonaSunFlower: Dancing Sun 
jesshearts's avatar
Awesome group.  Nice to see a supportive place for people :)
EmpathicDesign's avatar
Many members have deleted their profiles, even the Founder..
EmpathicDesign's avatar
Male. Mark. 27.
Has a lesbian sister and helps newly open lesbians to find footing in DeviantART.

Also, I wrote up a poem of appreciation towards lesbians but sine I posted it a while ago and didn't save it, I'd be very happy if anyone could reference me towards it.

Thanks! xD
cookiethecat103's avatar
i have been looking for a girlfriend for a while im 14