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Busy busy...
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Coming soon

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Long overdue...

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Hello there everyone!

Hope you're all doing well. Time for a well needed update in this area. So much has happened since the last time I wrote anything new in this department. I,ve quit the art school I previously attended during autumm and enrolled on a university course insted where I'm currently learning about how to draw comics and illustrations. Im almost finished with the course, since it's just a spring course, and I'm enjoying myself. It's been really good so far.

Me, my oldest cousin and my sister are planning on cosplaying in the next anime/manga convent that's coming up this year, or next year (we're not exactly sure when it's goind to be) and we're making the costumes ourselves so it's gonna be alot of hard work, but fun if we succed in doing it! If everything goes well we're going to be cosplaying Hikaru, Umi and Fuu from Clamp's manga series Magic knight rayearth. Im going to cosplay as Umi. It'll be so much fun! =D Just have to find a long blue wig to go with my clothes. We went to a manga/anime convent in januari this year and got inspired. It was so much fun, especially to see how so many people had come dressed as their favourite manga/anime characters. We felt so boring, belonging to the miniority of the people who came without cosplaying anyone or anything. Hopefully we'll be able to change that the next time around.

Also, me and a friend of mine are going to work in Norway for the summer once again. We got the same jobs as last summer, and I'm happy that I'm all set for the summer. For a while there i wasn't sure I'd get a job for the summer at all, but luckily i did adn I'm really grateful for it. I need the money to pay for school and to help my mum when she needs it.

Oh that's right, I'm also contributing to a Clamp fan appriciation book that's being made by devoted clamp fans from livejournal. It's going to have pictures and short letters in it and it's going to be printed and sent to Clamp in Japan. I'm making a picture and perhaps I'm going to write a greeting to them as well. The deadline is in the middle of june so I better get started real soon.

Until next time, lot's of love to you all :heart:

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:wave: Hello to you all, hope you're genki and well and getting whatever it is that you want from life.

I know i've been somewhat dead here on DA for a while now, ever since summer, but now, believe it or not, I'll do my very best to change this matter. After all, I really like it here and it's fun to hear from you all and see all of your wonderful artwork and on top of that get some constructive critisicm from people who knows alot more about art then I do =)

Anyway, I've enrolled in a new art school, well the school itself isn't that new but it's new to me, and I'm very excited about this year and what it will bring.
I've just about finished my first week there, and everything feels great. I like all of my teachers so far, and all of my classmates are really kind and warm, not to mention open. We seem to be a really friendly, kind of quiet group with approximately 10 people in different ages.

Most of my newfound friends are studying there due to burning themselfs out at former jobs, and they see this shcool form as a way of slowly coming back to society and finding themselfs again. I hope it will all turn out well for them. I hope of producing alot of fine art this year, at least something I can feel proud of, and to develop my interest for art and gain better  knowledge and understanding about both myself and different artistic techniques. Wish me luck, I'll probably need it XD

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Hi there!

Hope you're all doing well and having a wonderful time during the summer holidays.
But then again I guess that depends on where you live, if summers made it's way into your life yet or not...
Anyway, I'm currently residing in Norway due to only one reason really and that would be work. Im working at Oslo airport, also known as "Gardermoen" or "Oslo lufthavn". It's only for the summer and so I'm planning on going back home at the end of July. However, I'm not alone on this adventure. My friend Camilla, known as :iconoak-child: here on DA (go check out her gallery, she's a really gifted artist)is with me, though we don't share the same workplace, and so it's not as scary as I would have found it to be, were I on my own.

So I guess that now you know the reason why I've been somewhat absent this last month. I'm currently to busy with work to be able to put up something new here, not to mention that we still hasn't been able to establish an internet connection in our small apartment, so therefore I'll probably be inactive on this site for some time to come. But of course I'll try to find some time to check up on all of your wonderful work from time to time if possible.

That' all for now I guess, take care everyone and remeber to always "wear sunscreen" (like that song if anyone remebers... =d )

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I'll give it a try anyway. It's time for a change in this department anyway. I'm currently waiting for my working schedule for my summerjob. An I've discovered an interesting and hilarious comedy tv show, from New Zealand called "Flight of the conchords".

It's about two gitarrplaying guys named Bret and Jermaine and their struggle to make it as a band in America. It differs alot from the usual comedy shows I've watched beacuse of the fact that they start singing all of a sudden kind of like in a musical.
I love it, they're both so funny and kind of cute.

And they have cute New zealand accents. Other than that I'm currently working on a doujinshii about Hideki and Chii from Clamp's love story "Chobits". It's not that long but still I feel like it's good practise to make a series, to see if I might have what it takes to make something of my own one happy day.  I really hope I got it in me to make a serious manga/comic of my own someday. It would be a dream come true. I've also quite recently come up with a new character of my own, that I might want to put in a comic of my own someday when I feel good enough to draw it. But don't be suprised if you'll see this character of mine her on DA in the near future.  I'm also working on a Deviantart ID. It's going to be a drawing of my and my three cat's. Im currently finding alot of inspiration from art nouveau pictures. i really love that style, especially the way everything seems so fluid and natural.

Yesterday a friend of grandma's invited me to go and watch a movie with her and my grandmother. We saw the know so famous movie "The kite runner". A very sad film, but with an important message about the importence of forgivness and atonement, and the saying that you can't do everything but you can always do something.

I liked it alot. It was really emotional at times and I did cry one or two times. I do cry rather often when seeing a movie that really moves me, that's sad or unfair. I guess that's just how things are with me. I think this will have to do for now, seeing as I don't know what else to write about. See you again!

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Coming soon by Leonora86, journal

Long overdue... by Leonora86, journal

Time for an update! by Leonora86, journal

Currently residing in Norway by Leonora86, journal

Not much to say.. but still by Leonora86, journal