Leonardo-ergiT's avatar


Trainer of a fabulous gardevoir.
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Leon Tigre-Chee, Khajiit: Entry 5 by Leonardo-ergiT, literature

Leon Tigre-Chee, Khajiit: Entry 1-4 by Leonardo-ergiT, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Dec 15, 1992
  • Philippines
  • Deviant for 12 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (209)
My Bio

Hello, and welcome! The name's Leonardo A. (Amore) Tigre, but you can call me Leo.

I may be a pokemon trainer, but I'm more of a coordinator than a battler, and even then I'm not that active in the competitive scene. Actually, I work as a freelance writer/editor as my day job, but I hope to make a profession out of drawing and animating. For extra cash, my purple gardevoir, Mr. Fabulous, handles the 'Bougie Mauve', a bakeshop we converted from my house's living room and kitchen downstairs.

Our address is 23 Lavalove St., Chocco Town, Tunod Region (Pokemon Glazed!), if you must know. The 'Bougie Mauve' takes deliveries, too!

My current pokemon are:
> Mr. Fabulous, my quirky purple gardevoir who loves to make people happy with his cookies and antics, and also has the unique ability to combine certain moves into more powerful versions,
> Phoebe, a lucario who tried to kill herself in an alley because her previous trainer perished in a horrible car accident, unique in that she doesn't need to hold a mega stone to mega-evolve, since her eyes already have lucarionite in them or something,
> Persimal, Mr. Fabulous' adopted son, a dragon/dream-'pokemon' with the ability to make people around him daydream more, whom we got as an egg from a travelling couple,
> and Arby, Phoebe's (and my) adopted daughter, a dragon/grass-'pokemon' whom we also got as an egg from the same travelling couple, alongside Persimal's.

So yeah... Why not stick around, have a few cookies, and browse some of my art?

Twitter (@FabulousGardeV)
Facebook (FabulousGardeV)
Fanfiction.net (Leonardo Jurado)
Discord: Mr.FabulousGardeV#9267
Skype: leonardo.tigre


With all that aside, in real life my name's Jeffrey Jurado, but you can call me Jeff. I live in the wonderfully-diverse archipelago known as the Philippines, and I'm currently a Marketing Management student of the University of San Carlos.

I've been a gamer my whole life, but being one so far hasn't done anything for me career-wise, so I'm doing my (reluctant) best to try out other things, drawing being one of them, and writing/editing/reviews on others. I'm also part of the FCCY Choir group and can do the psalms reading, if I'm asked to (I'd rather sing praises in church than doze off there wistfully).

If ya wanna get in touch with the real me:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Jeffrey.Noel....
Yahoo! (business): jeffrey.jurado006@yahoo.com

Favourite Visual Artist
Ken Akamatsu
Favourite Movies
Her, The Thing (1982), Shrek 1, Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith, Pacific Rim
Favourite TV Shows
Inuyasha, Saiyuki, Vandread, The Simpsons
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Jason Mraz, Timbaland, Yiruma, Jennifer Lopez, Darius Rucker, DragonForce, Michael Bublé
Favourite Books
Lord Of The Rings
Favourite Writers
J.R.R. Tolkien
Favourite Games
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, Mass Effect 2, Pokemon (Gen3), Sid Meier's Civilizations 3 & Pirates! (2004), Dragon Age: Origins, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Super Smash Bros: Brawl
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Writing, Drawing, Moviemaking, Photography, Audioediting
Other Interests
Computer Gaming, Archery, Airsoft, Parkour, HEMA/Stickfighting, BBoying
Mr.Fab: This video... This sums up most of my, and most of the Pokemon Universe's, thought-processes.  'Tis why our world's gotten to the point where health care is mostly free, and ten year olds can freely travel the globe.
anonymous's avatar
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Mr.Fab: Entry 6.4.3, more smut! Link to twitter, here!  https://twitter.com/FabulousGardeV/status/974642827945656320 So I traced an actual porn scene for this art, and adjusted it a tad bit to conform to gardevoir body shape. Also, I've been wonderin...
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Mr.Fab: An outbound-link to Entry 6.4.2! I've decided to put this smut on Twitter, on account of the rulesets here.  https://twitter.com/FabulousGardeV/status/974272881021526017 'Twas supposed to have made an Albert Einstein vs Stephen Hawking artpie...
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Profile Comments 1.4K

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PinelopiKirliaGirl's avatar
sucreine's avatar
Heyo! ; v ; )/ I was curious.. I made this OC a while back and I realize him and Mr. Fab have quite a bit in common. I was curious what your thoughts on him were? Is he a bit too similar?
Leonardo-ergiT's avatar
Mr.Fab: Why, there are quite a number of dissimilarities with the deary, especially regarding our aesthetics. But even if the deary's mannerisms might be similar, would that be so bad? Tee-hee! I do think 'twould be a grand ol' time if we had more people such as I in this world, then the world would be that much more fabulous, wouldn't thou agree? :3

And won't thee please send this box of cookies to thy deary, Sucreine-dear? :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: 
ArceusAdmirer's avatar
Happy late birthday.

Sorry for being late.
SilverWolfJudge's avatar
HAPPy birthdayyyyyyyyy!
:cake: :la: