Spec-Dinovember day 14 - Dating Nightleonardismos on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/leonardismos/art/Spec-Dinovember-day-14-Dating-Night-994501406leonardismos

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Spec-Dinovember day 14 - Dating Night



(Sorry, this one I had to do in a hurry)

This creature lived during Middle Cretaceous where one day Australia will be.

The Dimorphosaurus sinclairi (“Sinclair’s two form lizard”) was a basal styracostern dinosaur with remarkable sexual dimorphism.

If these creatures left fossil remains, probably males and females would be classified as distinct species, since the mature male reached up to 7m long and walked mostly on quadrupedal posture while females grew no more than 4,5m long and were mostly bipedal.

The males kept small herds of females as harems, which were fiercely protected from other males and eventual predators. During nesting season, the male would also guard the nests and protect the young until they were able to be independent. When the males reached sexual maturity, they would start to gather (and defend) its own harem.

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