Local Wetlandsleonardismos on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/leonardismos/art/Local-Wetlands-1015389642leonardismos

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Local Wetlands



The city where I live, in the Southern portion of Brazil, is known to have plenty of urban green spaces and one of the local ecosystems that I like most are the freshwater ones, from the fancy parks in the richer neighborhoods with planned ponds and concreted rivers to the suburban wetlands that more than often became areas for the people with lower socioeconomic status to live.

In this piece, done for a project, I chose to create a little panel of both native and non native lifeforms present in those areas with all of them also being personal observations.

Obviously this is just a sample of the things that might be seen there, there are literally dozens of species that were not represented here such as marsupials, caimans, catfishes, turtles, invertebrates, a lot of birds, etc.

note: I hope the resolution do not butcher some details

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3000x1654px 4.46 MB
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