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A terror bird from Oligocene Brazil,P.brasiliensis.
Paraphysornis is an extinct genus of giant flightless predatory birds of the family Phorusrhacidae or "terror birds" within the subfamily Brontornithinae that lived in Brazil. Its length was about 2 meter and the skull had a length of 60 centimeter. The only known species is Paraphysornis brasiliensis. It lived 23 million years ago.
پرندگان بی پرواز ماقبل تاریخ منقرض شده پرنده وحشت پلیوسن پارافیسورنیس برازیلینسیس فوروسراسید فسیل دیرینه شناسی تکامل فرگشت
Paraphysornis is an extinct genus of giant flightless predatory birds of the family Phorusrhacidae or "terror birds" within the subfamily Brontornithinae that lived in Brazil. Its length was about 2 meter and the skull had a length of 60 centimeter. The only known species is Paraphysornis brasiliensis. It lived 23 million years ago.
پرندگان بی پرواز ماقبل تاریخ منقرض شده پرنده وحشت پلیوسن پارافیسورنیس برازیلینسیس فوروسراسید فسیل دیرینه شناسی تکامل فرگشت
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3000x3674px 6.8 MB
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