Moropus elatusLeogon on DeviantArt

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Moropus elatus



Moropus (meaning "slow foot") is an extinct genus of perissodactyl ("odd-toed") mammal that belonged to the group called chalicotheres, which were endemic to North America during the Miocene from ~23.0—13.6 Mya, existing for approximately 9.4 million years. Moropus is related to the modern horse, rhino, and tapir.
Like other chalicotheres, they differed from their modern relatives in having large claws, rather than hooves, on the front feet; these claws may have been used for defense or digging for food. Moropus stood about 8 feet (2.4 m) tall at the shoulder.

پستانداران فردسمان منقرض شده ماقبل تاریخ دیرینه شناسی تکامل فرگشت کالیکوتریدا کالیکوتریوم موروپوس الاتوس فسیل میوسن 
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Cozmia's avatar
Amazing, it's like an 8 foot horse with sharp claws