Lena-Panthera's avatar


The Amur leopard girl
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (265)
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
My Bio

You love big cats, wolves and all other animals ? This gallery is for you !
Her, you can see my drawings, my photographs and my stories. I love wolves and cats. My favourite animal : the Amur leopard !
My fursona is a winged Amur leopard named Ayena =D (Big Grin)

Have fun !


Type of art made by me :
- Animal photography ( especially cats )
- Traditionnal drawings of : animals, anthros, fantasy
- Photo-manipulation ( especially animal wallpapers )

Favourites subjects :
- felines and fantasy felines ( natural or anthros )
- wolves ( natural or anthros )
- dragons

fouder of : :iconleopard-lovers:

PS : My English isn't always very good ! Sorry, but it's not my mother tong, because I'm French. ( I'm studying English since 10 years ).

PPS : I'm also the owner of one of the firsts French website about felines !

Current Residence: Bretagne, France
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Folk
Favourite style of art: Realistic drawings, photography
Operating System: Windows 7
Wallpaper of choice: my boyfriend and me Personal Quote: Hope never dies

Favourite Movies
Ice Age, Earth, Avatar, African cats, Hunger Games
Favourite TV Shows
Bones, Castle, Game of Thrones
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Renan Luce
Favourite Books
Tomorrow's sphinx, White Fang, Hunger Games, Vaalbara ( my novel ! )
Favourite Writers
Pierre Boterro, Clare Bell, Jack London . . . me xD
Other Interests
Animals, reading, writing, drawing, swiming . . .
In 2015, I took I think more photos in zoos than I ever did another year. I spent no less than 17 days in 7 different zoos ( in western France and Paris ), including 4 entirely new to me. You'll have no stock for one of them, Branféré, because there are no big cats nore wolves here.  Here is the list of the others, with the stock !The ones I already knew, in Western France :  - Bioparc de Doué la Fontaine ( 6 visits ) : African lion, cheetah, Sumatran tiger ( including 2 cubs ), Sri Lanka leopard, snow leopard - Zoo de la Boissière du Doré ( 5 visits ) : serval, margay, black leopard, clouded leopard, snow leopard ( including 2 cubs, but n...
anonymous's avatar
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Here comes the cuteness !  After months of submitting nothing on DA, here comes the new pictures, including very cute ones ! I took a lot of big cats photos in my 3 favorite zoos since I last submitted here, and it includes cheetah and tiger cubs ! :...
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I got a Daily Deviation ! :D    Thanks a lot :)  The deviation in question :  
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superpower-pnut's avatar
Sofia-the-Dreamer's avatar
LePtitSuisse1912's avatar
Hello Hélène HugHugcomment ça va?

Je te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire en avanceHug

Passe une bonne journéeHug


Meilleures salutation :-) (Smile)

Kevin B
superpower-pnut's avatar
LePtitSuisse1912's avatar
Bonjour!!!! Hug comment ça vas ?

Je te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire Hug tous mes meilleurs vœux pour ta journée Hug

Joyeux anniversaireMusic Note Bullet (Light Blue) - F2U Music Note Bullet (Light Pink) - F2U Music Note Bullet (Red) - F2U Music Note Bullet (Purple) - F2U! Music Note Bullet (Blue) - F2U  !!!! Joyeux anniversaireMusic Note Bullet (Teal) - F2U Music Note Bullet (Orange) - F2U Music Note Bullet (Pink) - F2U  !!! Joyeux anniversaire Hélène Music Note Bullet (Green) - F2U Music Note Bullet (Pink) - F2U Music Note Bullet (Light Green) - F2U  !!!! Joyeux anniversaire Music Note Bullet (Green) - F2U Music Note Bullet (Light Purple) - F2U Music Note Bullet (Yellow) - F2U Music Note Bullet (Red) - F2U !!!

Happy Birthday Godliek :D Lily Wishing a Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Grin :happy birthday: Happy Birthday Xak happy birthday 

Passe une bonne journée et de joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année:-) (Smile)

meilleures Salutations depuis la SuisseHug


Kevin B
Z-image's avatar
A Bootch GIF    Bienvenue dans le groupe et bonne participation  ....Hug 
LePtitSuisse1912's avatar

Bonsoir HélèneHug

Je te souhaite la bienvenue sur notre groupe Francophones1Hug

C'est un plaisir de t'avoir parmi nous :-) (Smile)

Je te souhaite beaucoup de plaisir sur le groupe. Si tu la moindre question ou requête n'hésite pas à me contacter ou un autre membre du staff :-) (Smile)

Je te souhaite de passer une bonne soirée et une agréable semaineHug

Meilleures salutations

Kevin B