KakuzuLemonSugarcube on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lemonsugarcube/art/Kakuzu-818510839LemonSugarcube

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LemonSugarcube's avatar




I don't know why I didn't like this dude at first. He's fuckin great and I maintain that he looks like the bassist of a black metal band. Prove me wrong. 
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R3dFangz's avatar

Ikr? I didn't like him at first either, I'm pretty sure when I was younger he was my least favorite Akatsuki member.

But he's a badass though. And YES, he is a black metal bassist. You'd think with that cool long hair he'd be windmilling throughout the whole concert but he's that kinda guy who just maintains like his only 2-3 poses for an hour or so and only does that slow, long headbang every once in a while, like the doom metal headbang. He's too cool for everyone basically lol