Hi! I'm Melanie.
-I've been taking pictures for over two years now. It started off as a hobby and for the past few months I've been starting to work seriously towards becoming a professional.
-A picture of mine has been published as the centerfold in the April edition of Alternative Press Magazine
-AbsolutePunk.net has included this photo in their list of 100 best photos of 2010. Check it out here.
-I'm currently taking my very first photography class.
-I've been told I have enough imagination to fuel a rocket.
-I would die for any of my friends.
-I don't know what I would do without my camera... or music for that matter.
-I'm 20.
-Short people do have reason.
Photographer for Underthegunreview.net
^-- check it out and
Follow me on:
Twitter- UTGMelanie
Tumblr- LemanieCricket
Current Residence: Wixom, Michigan
deviantWEAR sizing preference: S
Favourite genre of music: I'll listen to anything that sounds good.
Favourite photographer: Ansel Adams, Annie Leibovitz
Favourite style of art: Photography
Operating System: OSX
MP3 player of choice: iPod
Personal Quote: "Photography teaches one to see the world rather than to just simply look at it"