Legends-Of-Skyrim's avatar


Years Ago
501 Members459 Watchers

Comments 119

anonymous's avatar
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MarisArmoury's avatar
Deviations keep expiring when I want to add them. Seems the group is dead?
Skyrim Daedric armour by MarisArmoury
NurBoyXVI's avatar
The Elder Scrolls VI | 4K Wallpaper 2018 by NurBoyXVI  Gotta Spread The News!
FemaleBosmerAlways's avatar
Thank you so much for accepting my screenshots. How would I resubmit them to the Mature folder
JS-Church's avatar
All you have to do is submit them how you did before (from the deviations page or from our group page), but instead choose the mature folder. If the mature folder doesn't show up (it happens sometimes) then message me a link to the deviations you wish to include and I'll send you an invite :D
stabbykeith1985's avatar
Thanks for letting me join! X)
Domerk's avatar
Thank you for accepting me! Heart