SMBX: Complicated RelationshipsLegend-tony980 on DeviantArt

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SMBX: Complicated Relationships



Years before the events of Super Mario Bros. X: Alternate Kingdom, the Eleanor Kingdom was cursed by Blaize who utilized the seven Lux Star pieces for evil desires. Back then, the kingdom faced much more worse disaster than the second curse of the Lux Star pieces at the time of Alternate Kingdom's events. And the heroes who saved the kingdom at all odds and at all risks to take were the King Varun of Sea Side, Marvin and Doshi, the master of slumber.

The events of the first curse upon Eleanor Kingdom and Blaize's first havoc were all referred to as the Eleanoran Holocaust. It was one of the kingdom's darkest times in the current era.

The events were certainly very stressful and pressuring, even at the point one of the heroes barely got along.

Notable Relationships:

King Varun and Marvin:

King Varun and Marvin are related. They are half-brothers, Varun is the oldest and Marvin is the youngest. However, Varun refuses to accept Marvin as family or a blood relative for that matter. Years back then, Varun never knew they were related. Marvin, on the other hand, knew about it. They were born from different late mothers, who had angelic heritage of the Nephilim of Fire, Hydra and the Nephilim of Wind, Zephyrus. Their late father was the latest descendant of Iguli, the younger Big Nosed Brother of Thunder known for his lust for power from ancient times. King Varun was born on Sea Side Kingdom and Marvin was born on Eleanor Kingdom. They met each other on Sea Side when they were young and became childhood buddies. Marvin felt like having a brother, but Varun did not. Then, they separated once more as Marvin had to go back to his homeland. Years later, they reunited and ventured on Eleanor Kingdom, along with Doshi, in order to save it. But their relationship got even much complicated later for reasons that are yet to be told.

King Varun and Master Doshi:

King Varun and Master Doshi are best friends. At the time Marvin returned to Eleanor Kingdom, Varun was to become king of Sea Side. But he never wanted to be king, as he couldn't connect with the people who feared him for what he was, a descendant of a Nephilim. Doshi was his only friend at the time, who also is a descendant of a Nephilim. He was the one who convinced him to become king, to earn the title "Varun" who means "lord of the sea" in a different language and become strong enough to protect the kingdom. At the time Sea Side fell to crisis by demons, Doshi and Toad helped Varun in any ways possible to save the kingdom and his daughter Marina. Afterwards, they joined Marvin to save Eleanor Kingdom.

Marvin and Master Doshi:

Master Doshi is Marvin's most trusted companion, as he is to King Varun. Doshi is known to always fall asleep whenever he doesn't feel like doing anything at all, to a point that Marvin calls him "Master of Slumber", much to Doshi's liking. Despite that, Doshi would never let him down no matter what and they would always support each other. After the end of the Eleanoran Holocaust, Doshi settles in Eleanor Kingdom with Marvin and Princess Apple for years until Alternate Kingdom's events.

King Blaize and Blaize Jr.:

Blaize Jr. is King Blaize's latest child and his least favorite at that. Blaize Jr. is rebellious of his father's plan to combine the Lux Star pieces altogether and gain divinity. Blaize Jr. is also spoiled, as he seeks nothing but attention and love from his father but constantly gets none. This father-son relationship is contrastive to Bowser's and Bowser Jr.'s.

Kamellon Koopa and Kamaeva Koopa:

Those two Magikoopa Brothers are Blaize's henchmen and they have a dark past. Kamellon is Kamaeva's younger brother. Kamaeva is a dark Magikoopa who caused a certain event that caused the Magikoopa ethnic groups nearly to extinction in order to increase his power. But one notable Magikoopa survived which is Kamellon, who witnessed his brother's evil deeds in total traumatism. Kamellon swore to avenge his kin by defeating Kamaeva for his actions.

Princess Apple and Ravun:

Princess Apple have known Ravun for a long time. He is Varun and Marvin's cousin. However, they currently hate each other. At the time of the Eleanoran Holocaust, Ravun have joined Blaize's army and plotted to become the king of Eleanor. However, he failed and Princess Apple banished him for years after King Varun and co. saved the kingdom.

Birdie and Ravun:

Birdie is in love with Ravun, but he is dense about her feelings. He is rather greedy, constantly craving for money, jewelry and power. Birdie tried to do it for him so he can acknowledged her as a suitable mate, but constantly fails at it.

Dark Duplighost and Princess Apple:

The Dark Duplighost has tricked Princess Apple multiple times by shapeshifting into Marvin, her most trusted childhood friend, and sold her out to Blaize's army. The Dark Duplighost is a stronger and rare subspecies of Dublighosts.

Sea Side King (King Varun), the Mario series and the Yoshi series © from :iconnintendoplz:

Marvin, Master Doshi, Princess Apple, Ravun, King Blaize Koopa Sr., Prince Blaize Koopa Jr., Birdie, Kamellon Koopa, Kamaeva Koopa, Dark Duplighost, Super Mario Bros. X: Alternate Kingdom, Super Mario Bros. X: Sea Side Adventure, and the Super Mario Bros. X series © from :iconlegend-tony980:
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