Favourite Movies
Jumper, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, PONYO!, Tangled, Princess and the Frog, Beauty and the Beast, The Avengers, Thor, Iron Man
Favourite TV Shows
Ao no Exorcist, Big Bang Theory, House, Bones, Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad, Madoka Magica, Criminal Minds
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Italiano Brothers, DJ Manian, Savage Garden, Owl City, Imogen Heap, DJ Sammy...
Favourite Games
Fable II, III - Halo OST, Halo 3, Sims 3, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, Portal I-II, Dragon Age
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Wacom Intuos 4 Small Tablet, Bamboo Fun Tablet, Photoshop PS3-PS4, Japanese PaintTool SAI, Manga Studio
Other Interests
Artist Alleys, Anime Conventions, Bethesda Studios