Lee-Fans-Unite's avatar


Years Ago
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bulkhead and miko nakadai's theme by babaengecchi, journal

gento by babaengecchi, journal

international love (kakashi and gai's version) by babaengecchi, journal

sexy boy (gai's version) by babaengecchi, journal

Comments 24

anonymous's avatar
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babaengecchi's avatar
Megaquake2012's avatar
Rock lee fav guy of naruto and fav person
HOOTH00T's avatar
Hello, I'm from :iconanothercontestgroup:. If you have a contest right now, know someone that does, or hold one later on, could you message me or comment on my page so I can notify the group? If you plan to send the contest directly to the group, could you say that I was the one who told you about the group? Thank you. :)
LunaLocatisLunatica's avatar
HI! I'm the admn of :iconukelee-fc: one of your affiliates!
I was wonder if is not a problem If you can announce (in a little small place) the contest we're having?? The rules are in the main page.

adidsevfan's avatar
Thanks for accepting me -^.^-
sexyballoffluff's avatar
I used to be the hugest fan of RL kun! I look just like him if he were a grrrrl!
LeeFansUnite's avatar
Awesome!!! You're so lucky! =A=