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Deviation Actions

Just one of the many stamps I have made, and yes, the template is mine. You can see more of my stamps here --> leathurkatt-tftiggy.deviantart…
Commission Information can be found here --> leathurkatt-tftiggy.deviantart…
Stamp Text:
YOU! Out Of My Fandom!
This stamp is for those genetic defectives who seem to be completely incapable of understanding that these are FICTIONAL CHARACTERS with FICTIONAL STORIES and that ALL fans have every right to love and cherish these characters and that they do not have exclusive right to any character they did not create themselves, nor do any of them have the right to go around threatening and spewing their hate vomit at others who love these characters. All fans have every right (within the bounds of canonical logic and reason) to pair the character they love with their OC if they choose to or with other canon characters. This is not to say that it is acceptable to be pairing hated enemies together, pairing children with adult characters, pairing characters from opposing factions, or taking characters completely OOC just to pair them together. Doing so is greatly disturbing and insulting to the characters, their creators, and the rest of the fandom. So don't do it. As for those mentally ill children who think the characters are real or that they are married to a character, let alone going around attacking everyone else who likes said character out of some infantile jealousy complex, the lot of you seriously need to learn the difference between fiction and reality, and if you are incapable of understanding the difference, then you need to remove yourself from watching or reading all fictional stories because clearly you are severely delusional and mentally disturbed. You are making the rest of us who are intelligent, rational, and know the difference between fiction and reality, look bad to everyone else.
This is in response to all those idiots who take their love of something way too far, like those idiots who think Transformers are real or claim marriage to Optimus Prime (or some other character) then attack everyone who pairs their OC with him, or the delusional morons who think Highlander is real and try to decapitate the actors who portray the immortals screaming "There Can Be Only One!", or the psychos who believe that Forever Night (or any other vampire show for that matter) is real and actively hunt down to try drive a stake through the heart of the actors because they believe these ordinary human beings are really vampires. I could go on, but I think you get the idea. >.<
Related Stamp:

Note: Comments welcome, but be polite, no trolling, and if I do not have a critique request posted, do not offer critiques. I do not tolerate trolls and excessively negative people. Do NOT use my stamps as a free license to start a debate; that is NOT why I post stamps. I post stamps to share them with like minded people for their enjoyment, and for those who support what the stamps are about to feature in their collections or favourites. And if I state “End Of Line” in a conversation, it means the conversation is over for a reason and I will not be responding. If you insist on continuing to comment after I have given that warning, you will be blocked with no further warning or discussion.
Permission to feature this in Collections, Journals, etc is freely granted. You are not allowed to repost my stamps on DA or anywhere else. Some of these are very personal and I will not grant permission for their use on DA or elsewhere nor will I grant permission for these stamps to be reposted anywhere for any reason. Do not copy my designs either. These are personal pieces and will not be for sale at any point in time.
Image size
109x66px 11.37 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Leathurkatt-TFTiggy
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A while back I wrote a little observation on How my Fantasy and Reality coexist. I'm not sure if you'd agree with it, but I think it might give you a good idea how "obsessed" fans, as you refer to them, can still be sane.