Yay!Since everyday my Glee deviations are faved massively, I finnaly decided to do the two characters I haven't done before: Shelby Corcoran and Jesse St. James.
As you may see, I didn't put much effort on making the Jesse one, but that's because I don't like him, so, whatever!Hope you like them!!____________________
Shelby --> http://leandruskis.deviantart.com/art/Shelby-Corcoran-gLee-168281189?q=1&qo=1
Jesse ---> http://leandruskis.deviantart.com/art/Jesse-St-James-gLee-168281184?q=1&qo=1
____________________¡Sii!Teniendo en cuenta que todos los días muchisima gente favoritea mis deviations de Glee, finalmente decidí hacer a los dos pers...