Allahyarham Hj Saidin Mat Ariff, my beloved grandfather just passed away on the night of November 30th, after Isya' around 10pm. He was 71 years old, and suffered from high-blood-pressure. He didn't suffer long during his sakaratulmaut and passed away with less pain on his face.
This is the first time I lost a grandparent.
Now I only have one grandfather left.Mari sedekahkan surah Al-Fatihah kepada allahyarham Hj Saidin Mat Ariff.
Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.And, :devyajido:'s grandma passed away quite recently too. Sedekahkanlah juga al-fatihah kepada allahyarham Asiah binti Fatimah juga.Al-Fatihah...بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيم...