Boby fazbear (conceptual design sketch)LaZoonny on DeviantArt

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Boby fazbear (conceptual design sketch)



 °•❀°  Hello! ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎

I started  a FNAF AU (alternative universe) where I am designing character concepts that represent certain of the most emblematic animatronics of Fazbear Inc. ₍ᐢᐢ₎
The following concepts here are color sketches, I have plans to finalize their design in full color with a card about the character with a backstory description. ₍ᐢᐢ₎

I only design these characters for fun and hobby, they are a type of androids and don't worry, they are not animatronics, they are representations based on their appearance, this is how my FNAF AU works.
If you are interested in following my artwort or my fnaf au, follow me on my networks where I remain active. °•❀°

Consider that these designs are just a creative vision inspired by certain animatronics from the FNAF series with my artistic style. ₍ᐢᐢ₎ 


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(„• ֊ •„) ♡
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2000x2500px 1.71 MB
© 2023 - 2025 LaZoonny
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