oh hey Thats pretty oH WAIT_ Bunshark MYO ComicLayneon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/layneon/art/oh-hey-Thats-pretty-oH-WAIT-Bunshark-MYO-Comic-782662517Layneon

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Layneon's avatar

oh hey Thats pretty oH WAIT_ Bunshark MYO Comic



Guess who spent the last three days on this :]

I was challenged so Challenge accepted >:] 
I did a whole ass comic in Ms Paint !!! I knew it would be tough but woOOoo it was tedious But!!! i'm really proud of it :>

Anyway! Dawn saw a pretty thing in the sand and wanted to take it,, though it was bigger than she thought and not what she was expecting :'D
Luckily the Sea Dragon had a spare they were willing to give so ~ Pretty Item Achieved :]
Image size
3556x2158px 378.15 KB
© 2019 - 2025 Layneon
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Holy Fulcrum! This is MS paint?! You’re a god among humanity!