[BB] Kitty CafeLavvytheJackalope on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lavvythejackalope/art/BB-Kitty-Cafe-829741119LavvytheJackalope

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[BB] Kitty Cafe



Adv. BB Collab with harmpink456 ! I did the sketch and lines, and they did the lovely colors and shading. ;w;

Trainer Apps: PTS:: Mika Tsukishima || Lucio the Business Exec [PTS Card]
Pokemon: Meowth, special Persian 
Guest Pokemon: Fennekin, special zorua 
Items used: none


Client: Cafe Owner Gatcis
Location: 'The Cat's Creme' Cafe
Eligible Jobs: All Jobs +2
Reward: PD
Requirement: Roleplay OR Art Collab with your partner about your trainer and one of their Pokemon helping at the new local Cat Pokemon Cafe.
Expiry Date: February 11th at 11:59 PM EST
Random Number (1-100): N-a
Character doing Job: Lucio the Business Exec [PTS Card]

"Well, hello. Are you going to help me out with my opening day? What a positively purrfect notion! Don't worry, Delcatty and I will make sure mew don't get your paws where they shouldn't be. Just help with taking orders or play with the kitties a bit, you'll figure it out."

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2000x3000px 1.02 MB
© 2020 - 2025 LavvytheJackalope
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Alchememe's avatar
#806. Blacephalon A Blacephalon spins and twirls its way towards you skipping about in a playful fashion. As per usual for Blacephalon it removes its head and followed by the clear sound of an explosion. Once your ears stop ringing and your eyes clear you notice money in your hands! (F2U) sparkles 

Congratulations, you earned 3,300PD! And your Meowth has gained 7 Levels while your Special Persian has gained 6 Levels!