Deviation Actions
Do you remember my new OC Angel from Hellaverse Elzor?
Well, now Yogelis has already introduced me to Marai and Shion, some of Elzor's companions and allies, who I will summarize below:
Marai: an Angel of Spirit Warrior Valkyrie, Her Strength and Resistance with high power in her body, stoic and optimistic in her virtue of courage, friend of Lute as a fairy, she was once a human on earth, with desires to be A brave adventurer and warrior from her world, her death was something brave, giving her life saving her sisters from swords on the field of war, she joined the Celestial army to fight the Infernal Army. He met Elzor and Shion, together they became companions. In her time, Marai was previously a Blacksmith, so she can create weapons for combat or even any type of upgrade for battle. So she is already a veteran for the members of Elzor
Shion Hain: An Angel with a brilliant cartographer's mind, alchemy and magic power and physical abilities of the staff, a wise and understanding and passive attitude, but somewhat stressed at times, ally of the Seraph at Emily's side as her servant and Scientist , with his secret hidden on the philosopher's stone, was once a man in the ancient land of the desert pioneers, with desires to be the savior of the people with his wisdom and strength and to be a great wise man, his death was sacrificing himself to discover the secret of the philosopher's stone and dedicating himself towards his end, saving the world from the black plague.
Although Shion hain met Elzor in paradise next to Emily, even Tintin and Ariti.
Thank you Yogelis for these designs, Happy New Year.
wow si que se ven espectaculares,me agradan mucho y serian un equipo dinamico de los exorcistas
Tintin le agradaria mucho a Marai por ser tan encantadoramente fuerte y con buen sentido de justicia
Ariti le a gradira a Shion por tener un lindo peinado de color y su elocuencia y sabituria muy poetica