Magic shopLatteaChatte on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

October 11, 2019
Magic shop by Nieris
Featured by TheGalleryOfEve
LatteaChatte's avatar

Magic shop

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I recently had to recreate my social media accounts. So please support me there if you can.^^"
On every platform I have a different things for you <3. 

Brainless idiot! Twitter  - channel with my art advices, more of my arts and wips(I often post there), more talks with people
Brainless idiot! Instagram - My slow art gallery! Also I post my art suplies and life things in stories, sometimes I stream there. 
Brainless idiot!  Artstation - my professional art portfolio, here you can see me as a gamedev artist :) 

Image size
3500x1905px 7.53 MB
© 2018 - 2025 LatteaChatte
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Hawksearcher's avatar

Wow, this is incredible! Might I use this in the back of a YouTube fantasy music playlist I’m making? I would be happy to provide a link to this page and/or your commission info if you’d like! Sorry to hear you had to recreate your social media by the way…