SP1DER-M8 (Design Sheet) UncoloredLarryKane on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/larrykane/art/SP1DER-M8-Design-Sheet-Uncolored-711184073LarryKane

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SP1DER-M8 (Design Sheet) Uncolored



I was joking around with me younger cousin yesterday about a British Spidey spin-off called (Spider-Mate). After the british slang, "mate" 

The quirk of this Spidey is, his setting is in the post apocalyptic, & possibly possessing a webbing gland on his lower back like an actual Spider. 

~He's considered one of the lowest tier heroes, he's good hearted but naive, and he's not that good a fighter but has A LOT of creative web tricks. bla bla, etc. Fun stuff 

We joked about it here & there with scenarios, and i thought "Why not make this a character" and just started drawing.

~WIP~Spiderman SP1DER M8
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2550x3507px 912.94 KB
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