wowowowowow its been like foreverrrr lol i like havent felt like drawing in forever eitherr lol but i guess im back on now and like if i owe anyone art or commissions and stuff commenttt cause i kinda forgot lol :iconLunaVia: Jessie keeps screen shotting my snap chats :iconhowdareyouplz:and i got a cat phone case yay:iconawedanceplz:
Rules1. You have to post these rules2. You must post 11 things about yourself 3. You choose 11 people to tag4. Go to their page and tell them you tagged them 5. NO TAGBACKS teehee 1. I do Mixed Martial Arts 2. I do golf 3. I got someones autograph the other day and I was like fangirling cause like hes awesome and I got to talk to him and stuffffff andshookhishand 4. We wrapped my cousin up in bubble wrap and then he rolled down a hill and he looked like he was in a caccoon and then he chased my uncle around and yelled NAR! for 45 minutes 5. I haven't been on in like forever 6. I haven't felt like drawing for like 87 years 7. I have a kik ...