LadyXenka's avatar


9 Watchers23 Deviations

Connor/Haytham Fanfiction by LadyXenka, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (17)
My Bio

Current Residence: Old city named Cracow
Favourite genre of music: Classic music, pop, rock and soundtracks from games and movies
Favourite photographer: I`d say Martyna Wojciechowska, but she`s not only a photographer...
Favourite style of art: Impressionism and baroque, I suppose
Operating System: Windows 7
Favourite cartoon character: Andy Larkin, Louie Anderson, Jake Spidermonkey and of course Velma Dinkley! :D (Big Grin)
Personal Quote: You can`t change the one you love, so wise up!

Favourite Visual Artist
I don`t know... Madonna?
Favourite Movies
"Rome" tv show, Mortal Combat, and ofc I`m XWP maniac
Favourite Writers
Polish writer - Eliza Orzeszkowa and Micheal Crichton with his Jurassic Park
Favourite Games
Hmm... let me think... Tomb Raider (death for Eidos for destroying TAOD! ;( ), Rome Total War, Sims
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Dildo? :)
Other Interests
Archaeology, literature and all the things connected with undiscovered mysteries of our world
I just can`t wait for Assassin's Creed 4, so I decided to come back on dA and post for you some screenshots from the game :)
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So... I`m back! With some new cool screenshots from the games and cartoons. Stay tuned!
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Well... at this moment of my life I`m preparing for my matura exam. Wish me luck :) I have to say that I`m no artist; I can`t draw, I can`t paint, I only enjoy watching art, talk about it... criticize it ;D And it looks like that`s why I`m here... didn`t know what else to do, so I thought watching your great works will be just fine thing to do in long, winter evenings, hehe :) But don`t misunderstand me! I hate warm, I hate summer and I just love to freeze almost to death on autumn/winter walks :D But now I`m trying to cure my sore throat. For three weeks now... so I hope I finally will recover from that dreadful disease... I promise to be...
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Profile Comments 114

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Skoshi8's avatar
Thank you for the favorite!
LotyLauda's avatar
Thanks for the fav! :)
Billby13's avatar
Thank you for the fave ^_^
XxTheFireOkamiXx's avatar
very-black-cat's avatar
Thanks for the fave ^^
ConfusedDaze's avatar
I thank you kind lady.
capturedguy's avatar
Thank you for the favorite. :-)